The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Go check out my Silver Laced Orpington (LF) thread! It's about silver laced and all the colors we will be hoping to achieve in the near future !!!
So glad you started that thread!!!
My first babies! Hatched yesterday. Do you think they are both blues or blue & splash? My birds are blue roo one blue hen one splash hen. They are freaking adorable!

Hi can someone pleaae help me? How do i create chocolate silver laced orpingtons?

Go to McCoy Poultries new thread on silver laced Orpingtons! He would love to tell you about his plans to do that!! He is starting a project to actually get MAUVE silver laced Orpingtons but you have to have chocolate silver laced Orps to do that so he will tell you. Jeremy is also THE go to guy for genetics. Personally I think you would start with a chocolate rooster and a couple of silver laced hens. Or possibly a silver laced roo over choc
I have a beautiful blue male that has a very dirty behind:( the girls are fine but i have read you can clip the female feathers for better fertility.... Do you think he would mind... Hes huge and couls it be worms? The girls dont have it though
I have a beautiful blue male that has a very dirty behind:( the girls are fine but i have read you can clip the female feathers for better fertility.... Do you think he would mind... Hes huge and couls it be worms? The girls dont have it though
Try soaking him in warm water while you try to pull the poop off (WITH GLOVES) then clip for better fertility! :D I have a huge blue hen and she is so fluffy! I put 3 of her eggs in and none hatched :(
Ok, we have a red tailed hawk and a bald eagle hunting on our property daily me! Our neighbour saw the eagle take a rabbit out on his side of the property line yesterday. I am going to have to make sure the chicken runs have roofing that will keep the occupants out of sharp eyesight LOL.
I had 12 roos I needed to get out of my pen. I decided to fence off an area at the end of our orchard so I could find them homes. I made a little shelter and put my mobile electric chicken fence up. Day 1-fine. Day 2 I return to find 6 gone? Day three I return to find not 1, not 2, but 3 hawks feasting on the remaining birds. 12 birds gone in 2 days. Those hawks are huge. I now run the fence in 8' wide runs that allow me to put bird netting across the top.

Also had one come down and take one from another yard. I put an expanse of 8' wide net across a 18' foot expanse down the middle and that did the trick. Just a few t posts and zip ties. They like wide open spaces for landing so disturbing that space and creating very narrow landing pockets seems to have worked.


So, this is my first English Orpington, so I'm new to them. I've been told they are slow to mature, but this chick is 7 weeks old!! It is just starting to feather out. All of its brooder mates are fully feathered and off heat (they were not orps). Is this normal? Every picture I've seen of English Orpingtons at this age are fully feathered. What is going on here?!

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