The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

my chocolate girl
my mauve barred pullet
I'm waiting on the lady I got these guys back from to give me a hatch date. She had my original chocolate hen and cuckoo cock for about a year and then decided she wanted to continue with lavender only. They were later in the summer last year, guessing June/July hatches.
You took them back cause they were yours to start or do you take other birds as well? I'm hoping to end up with 5 hens cause I won't be able to keep roosters

8.5months. June 24 2016
Wow! I look at my 4 and 8 days old chicks,and I cannot believe they could be that large by Fall
You took them back cause they were yours to start or do you take other birds as well? I'm hoping to end up with 5 hens cause I won't be able to keep roosters

Wow! I look at my 4 and 8 days old chicks,and I cannot believe they could be that large by Fall
I sold them to her back last year and then bought them back for the same price when she decided she no longer wanted to breed chocolate

They get big and get there much slower. Most of the size comes on after the 5 month mark
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This might sound stupid, I put my hand in the chicks tub like I've done before to get them used to me, and the 2 oldest (8 and 6 days old) ran toward me in such a fast and sudden way, is that normal behavior or is it an early sign of aggression (possible roos)?
This might sound stupid, I put my hand in the chicks tub like I've done before to get them used to me, and the 2 oldest (8 and 6 days old) ran toward me in such a fast and sudden way, is that normal behavior or is it an early sign of aggression (possible roos)?
could be signs of cockerels. Coudl also just be curiosity. I watch our chicks a lot to determine sex early on. It can he fairly accurate if you watch them enough
I have some that are naturally curious and very friendly from an early age and the little boys will usually peck, puff their chests out and show rooster behavior.. do you wear rings? I know the babies in my youngest brooder (I have 3-4 for different ages), but the ones 2 weeks and under love seeing my hands and they make a game of seeing who can peck the shiny ring the fastest..hopefully, that's all it is ♡♡

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