The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Sandy - FOr some reason, the picture isn't showing up. Can everybody else see the picture?

Jeremy - What cute little faces and great close-ups.

Mia - I think your girls are just lovely. Very pretty color blues.
Thank you Joy and joletabey. I hope for the best. I can see Tuffoldhen's photo it is just dark. Sir Walter looks handsome.
Hey Paula I was just thinking about you last night and thinking I needed to pick up the phone and give you a buzz.

I'm glad that I"m not the only one that can't see the photo.
Hey Jeremy,

Based on no wattle development and feather development, I would say girl. I was trying to get a good look at the splash, but can't tell too much. The splash does not look like much of a comb developing, and from what I can see, no wattles..might have a pullet there too.
Joy, these little darlings are about as fast as they get, uploading and will have a bunch in a minute! Just wait until you see them!!!

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