The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

OOOOOh this is soo exciting... and I ain't even the one getting them.. lol
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Well - the noon truck seems to be THE ONE for all of us !!
all our noon trucks have all our booty on it !!

Renie = we'll be all excited when yours are on the way too !!
I hope they mark which one are the roos... cuz sometimes I have a hard time tellin until they are much older. Meanwhile Joy I am counting you to flood us with pics of yours
Well - they are all here !! I got 9 chicks - all are in good shape except 2 that seem to be pretty weak. I've dosed them with a good dose of Poultry Nutri-Drench and am going to give them some hand-rearing formula here shortly - I wanted to get them warm and hydrated first. I feel pretty sure that one of them will be okay, but the other I'm really concerned about.
he makes it.

Other than that - they are ADORABLE !! I'll get pictures later when they get rested up and get their bellies full !!
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