The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Just saying...the last part of the movie was like watching a train wreck happen in which you KNEW what was going to happen, but could only sit back and be confused...

Neville was a HUNK in this movie! Whoop!!! I bawled like a little baby through most of the movie.

Sorry, back to our regularly scheduled program!
I didn't like the last fight scene - I think they should have left it exactly as it was in the book. I liked that, in the book, everybody was there when Voldemort finally met his end. I still think they did a good job with it. I loved the part when they were in Gringotts. I think the special effects in that part were really awesome. I LOVED Neville in this movie - I'm so glad they didn't change the part where he killed Nagini. Neville was THE MAN in this movie !! I cried through most of the whole movie the first time I saw it - when I went back to see it the next day, I only cried a little in a couple of places. I still want to be Professor Minerva McGonagall when I grow up
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I have to get in here. I went and saw the film with DD yesterday. Neville was portrayed true to the book (that was a great snake kill scene) but my vote for who ran away with the film is Alan Rickman. That guy pulled out all the stops in revealing Severus Snape's inner demons and overwhelming love for Lilly (but his lifelong torture that he could not save her). IMHO, he should get an Oscar nomination. Of course, I've always liked Alan. He absolutely made Galaxy Quest. His character Alex was a scream!

Sir Alexander Dane: "There were five curtain calls. I was an actor once, darn it. Now look at me. Look at me! I won't go out there and say that stupid line one more time."


On the subject of Orpingtons, I integrated 3 of the young pullets in with the older birds last night. One girl is plastered up against the fence and the other 2 aren't happy, but they'll get over it.
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I KNOW! He did such a GREAT job as Severus. I felt like he was hands-down the best actor in this movie...other than Neville. Wasn't too impressed with Harry. Got a feeling Daniel was a little tired of it all at that point.
Dr. Ross Perry of Australia is the vet recognized by many as THE cockatiel vet above all others. He recommends as part of a balanced cockatiel diet, among many other things, Broccoli. So I very much doubt it's toxic to chickens.

He did give me a reason (finally) for the onion family not to be eaten by birds. Onions and garlic are full of oxalic acid, and bird's kidneys don't handle high levels of this well. He is the only one ever to give me a valid reason for birds not to have onions. Before now, everyone said not to but no one had a reason for birds specifically not to have them, only cats and dogs.

But Broccoli appears to be just fine.

Here's a great video of Dr. Perry recommending a diet for cockatiels if you're interested:
I agree - Alan Rickman should get an Oscar for his portrayal of Snape in ALL the movies. I thought he was great in all of them. I just love the way he delivers his lines. I think there were just a LOT Of great acting in the films - Belatrix, Hagrid, Lupin, Delores Umbridge, Sirius - the list goes on an on. I will say that I didn't care for Michael Gambon as Dumbledore nearly as well as Richard Harris - I think they could have done a better job at replacing him. I thought Daniel was simply amazing in this film - as were Hermoine and Ron. I think Harry really portrayed such emotion. I just really think it was a great ending to an amazing series.

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