The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

On Tuesday we had a storm pass through and dump a lot of rain, it cooled the air off temporarily but then the heat from the wet ground made it very steamy it felt like a sauna, worse then when it was dry. I have fans running all the time and I put frozen 2liter bottles behind them so that the air is pulled over the cool and then blown out. The chicks love this, they all lay right in front of the fan. The big guys take turns laying in front of the fans.

boy Im so sorry to hear that, we had gazillions of bales of hay from the rain this early spring but not a living soul to help us get it out..we would have helped a fellow american and given couple thousand bales just for some help I dont beleive in turning my back on our it stands, 3/4ths of our fields are still standing lost its good protien a while ago..I think we brought down 300 bales just the 2 of us and then just gave up..We tried to call relatives and local kids... but kids are just too busy texting to want to work. there is probably 3000 - 4000 bales went to waste such a shame as the feilds were planted just for cattle and horses..the chickens like it too when we bed them down with it, they eat it..long time ago farmers used to bag up the hay seeds and chaff for chickens winter sorry to hear you going through all this.wish we lived closer would have been sending you out of here with more hay than you would need for winter my brother in law has a tractor trailer and hauls all over US but that wont do any good since no one wanted to help us get it down and in..we looked up into the rich green feilds and said well theres probably somone out there that could use this. darn lazy kids..they will go work out at the gym but cant get a scratch on them from hay bales..someday the way things are going, if they want to eat they will have to lift a finger and do something.
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boy Im so sorry to hear that, we had gazillions of bales of hay from the rain this early spring but not a living soul to help us get it out..we would have helped a fellow american and given couple thousand bales just for some help I dont beleive in turning my back on our it stands, 3/4ths of our fields are still standing lost its good protien a while ago..I think we brought down 300 bales just the 2 of us and then just gave up..We tried to call relatives and local kids... but kids are just too busy texting to want to work. there is probably 3000 - 4000 bales went to waste such a shame as the feilds were planted just for cattle and horses..the chickens like it too when we bed them down with it, they eat it..long time ago farmers used to bag up the hay seeds and chaff for chickens winter sorry to hear you going through all this.wish we lived closer would have been sending you out of here with more hay than you would need for winter my brother in law has a tractor trailer and hauls all over US but that wont do any good since no one wanted to help us get it down and in..we looked up into the rich green feilds and said well theres probably somone out there that could use this. darn lazy kids..they will go work out at the gym but cant get a scratch on them from hay bales..someday the way things are going, if they want to eat they will have to lift a finger and do something.

Isn't that a shame! I'm so sorry you didn't have anyone to help. When DH and I first got married and long into a small farm, we use to go around helping neighbors get their hay up in the summer. First and second cuttings! Jug of ice water, sandwiches or even sometimes the ladies would have lunches packed or you came back to their house for supper! No one knows how to do anything anymore.
boy Im so sorry to hear that, we had gazillions of bales of hay from the rain this early spring but not a living soul to help us get it out..we would have helped a fellow american and given couple thousand bales just for some help I dont beleive in turning my back on our it stands, 3/4ths of our fields are still standing lost its good protien a while ago..I think we brought down 300 bales just the 2 of us and then just gave up..We tried to call relatives and local kids... but kids are just too busy texting to want to work. there is probably 3000 - 4000 bales went to waste such a shame as the feilds were planted just for cattle and horses..the chickens like it too when we bed them down with it, they eat it..long time ago farmers used to bag up the hay seeds and chaff for chickens winter sorry to hear you going through all this.wish we lived closer would have been sending you out of here with more hay than you would need for winter my brother in law has a tractor trailer and hauls all over US but that wont do any good since no one wanted to help us get it down and in..we looked up into the rich green feilds and said well theres probably somone out there that could use this. darn lazy kids..they will go work out at the gym but cant get a scratch on them from hay bales..someday the way things are going, if they want to eat they will have to lift a finger and do something.

Thanks for the thought.....around here a person can still get some kids who are willing to buck bales. Most people make big round bales tho around here....we do.
I'm so sorry knowing you guys are going through these hard times. I am happy to say that my preppy, jock, weight lifting, 14 year old son, mows lawns, helps haul stuff, and puts up hay for people in our community. I know he's rare, that's why I love him so. Sometimes for money but sometimes because the elderly lady that lives near my moms house cannot mow here own lawn any longer. His payment...dinner with the lady. ETA...The texting non-stop does get on my nerves.
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I'm sooo sorry Kathy..
I can relate, I have lost three so far to the heat, one of my lav split hens, a 6 week old bantam orps and my black copper hen just yesterday.
WE have fans on everyone, water running on the barn and even spray all of the chickens down several times a day and it's still not enough. I love summer but a little relief would be nice.
boy Im so sorry to hear that, we had gazillions of bales of hay from the rain this early spring but not a living soul to help us get it out..we would have helped a fellow american and given couple thousand bales just for some help I dont beleive in turning my back on our it stands, 3/4ths of our fields are still standing lost its good protien a while ago..I think we brought down 300 bales just the 2 of us and then just gave up..We tried to call relatives and local kids... but kids are just too busy texting to want to work. there is probably 3000 - 4000 bales went to waste such a shame as the feilds were planted just for cattle and horses..the chickens like it too when we bed them down with it, they eat it..long time ago farmers used to bag up the hay seeds and chaff for chickens winter sorry to hear you going through all this.wish we lived closer would have been sending you out of here with more hay than you would need for winter my brother in law has a tractor trailer and hauls all over US but that wont do any good since no one wanted to help us get it down and in..we looked up into the rich green feilds and said well theres probably somone out there that could use this. darn lazy kids..they will go work out at the gym but cant get a scratch on them from hay bales..someday the way things are going, if they want to eat they will have to lift a finger and do something.
Just caught up on this thread and I'm so sorry to hear of you losing your hen Kathy! It has been so blasted hot here in N. Michigan....but not like what you have been getting. Weather report shows it hot next week too. I think I will stop complaining about cold weather after this heat wave.
Well, I lost one of my blue english hens to the heat, so I know what everyone else is going through!!!

I did get acouple pics of some pullets growing out!


boy Im so sorry to hear that, we had gazillions of bales of hay from the rain this early spring but not a living soul to help us get it out..we would have helped a fellow american and given couple thousand bales just for some help I dont beleive in turning my back on our it stands, 3/4ths of our fields are still standing lost its good protien a while ago..I think we brought down 300 bales just the 2 of us and then just gave up..We tried to call relatives and local kids... but kids are just too busy texting to want to work. there is probably 3000 - 4000 bales went to waste such a shame as the feilds were planted just for cattle and horses..the chickens like it too when we bed them down with it, they eat it..long time ago farmers used to bag up the hay seeds and chaff for chickens winter sorry to hear you going through all this.wish we lived closer would have been sending you out of here with more hay than you would need for winter my brother in law has a tractor trailer and hauls all over US but that wont do any good since no one wanted to help us get it down and in..we looked up into the rich green feilds and said well theres probably somone out there that could use this. darn lazy kids..they will go work out at the gym but cant get a scratch on them from hay bales..someday the way things are going, if they want to eat they will have to lift a finger and do something.

Thanks for the thought.....around here a person can still get some kids who are willing to buck bales. Most people make big round bales tho around here....we do.


As a fellow cattle rancher, I feel your pain. We had to sell off more than half our herd five years ago when we had to start feeding in the summer. We have been blessed this year, as we have been getting rain so our pastures have grazing for the cattle. There are places within a few miles of our ranch that are suffering because they are getting no rain.

You are right about trying to find help not many want to work in hay. Once again we have a young man that has helped around our place for the past 4-5 years and he doesn't mind bucking bales. I have his younger sister that helps me keep the chicken area up to snuff I feel very lucky.

Hope everyone gets cooler weather and no more birds are lost to the heat.

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