The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Hello All, so sorry I not been around but with one thing and another I have been so tied up and back and fourth to the hospital that I have now been able to talk to you my friends from across the pond!!!

So glad to hear of the fertility of your eggs Nellie, in fact news got through to me from another source as well as yours. I had a phone call from our David Pownall, the top breeder over here, asking me how I managed to send so many fertile eggs over to you as he heard of your sucess from a dear friend of his. I naturally explained all the ins and outs and he is amazed of how hair raising and stressful it is. He has had eggs sent to him and he has sent eggs out but of course because his are sent without the paperwork, tests etc, for example, the normal post, they will be in the wrong compartment of a plane. As you yourself know, mine are sent over in cargo with live animals so they will not freeze whilst on the plane, plus they arrive after a 9 hour flight!!!

looking through this forum - i see the words come up of star gazing on young chicks, this is a lack of a certain vitamin contained in marmite! put a small drop into a small portion of water and give to the chicks orally and hey presto, all is well again. I also insist in feeding my chicks with medicated chick crumb to give them a good start in life.

I have tried to email you a few times Nellie to see how all was going with the terrible weather over there but as yet, not head from you. I hope all is well with your family and friends over there across the pond.

Love and best wishes, Sandy xxxxx

Yes quite stressful for you as I remember
(and appreciate), Then you had to have them all tested right away again?? Wow that had to be very stressful! (on you as well as the birds).
They have been here for a little while. Not sure where Larry got his - but mine have been here about 8 months.

Hi Richard, where did you get your LF chocolates? Did you import birds!!
I remember back in January when we made the Jubilee/Legbar exchange you were talking about getting them this spring. Can we see pictures!!
I haven't posted in a while due to a injury (broke my neck) would like to thank all the well wishes for a speedy recovery well, I'm still moving slow but doing very well. I wanted to share a photo that was recently taken of my Spangles/Mottles. Marc, they are growing out beautiful and have gone through many color changes and are diffidently on the huge side.

love the motteleds "i know in UK they are called spangeleds " how old are they ?? becuase they both look like roos in the pic i hope you have a pair but in the pic i see 2 roos
I haven't posted in a while due to a injury (broke my neck) would like to thank all the well wishes for a speedy recovery well, I'm still moving slow but doing very well. I wanted to share a photo that was recently taken of my Spangles/Mottles. Marc, they are growing out beautiful and have gone through many color changes and are diffidently on the huge side.

Cody if Joe is right about 2 roos, I know who will buy the extra roo

P.S. How did you break your neck? Miraculously it sounds like you are on your way to recovery!
Cody if Joe is right about 2 roos, I know who will buy the extra roo

P.S. How did you break your neck? Miraculously it sounds like you are on your way to recovery!
Oh you know I live closeer I'll be happy to get one
we wouldnt want a long plane trip for the little guy
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My first post on this forum, so I just wanted to say Prynhawn da from Wales (a small and beautiful country attached to England) and share some pics of my Welsh 'Imported English Orpingtons' I keep Orps in Partridge, Buff, Buff Columbian, Red, Black & (new this year) Gold laced.

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