The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Thank you so much for touching on the subject of banding. Sure is an eye opener to realize how easy it is to loose a bird at a show.. You know.. perhaps... there needs to be a unified way to mark all the birds the same... I think the wing bands are probably the best solution. It could be worked like the AKC with papers... Register a bird... get a record and a wing band for each bird you want to show. You could use that number for that bird each time you enter him/her into any show. Thus it would be very easy to keep complete show records of all your birds :)

It is just a thought.

I bought a toe puncher last yr.... and forgot to mark my chicks this year.... UGGGGG So they are banded again this yr.

I would like to know how to put the bands on the winds and where before actually purchasing any.

With a quality wire cutter, I could remove a wing or leg band in about a second. If a thief wants to steal, they will do it. A lock only slows them down enough to hopefully deter them. When you have 10,000+ birds cooping out at one time, it is a madhouse! Even with 500 birds cooping out, it can be confusing. Many of use will place zip ties on our coop doors to make it a bit more difficult for mistakes. At Crossroads I started with our Best of Breed Orp Bantam in the junior show and and boxed our birds as fast as possible. Then took the cartons to my wife, waiting at the booth. We stacked all our birds at our booth, then rechecked to make certain we had all of ours and none of yours. Before coop out we had our cartons placed under the coops ready to coop out.

Crossroads coop out was organized chaos. Most in the Fancy are good honest folks. Mistakes and disagreements happen. But there are a few thieves.

One of my pet peeves is folks who steal eggs. A fellow at Shawnee, OK show years ago stole an OEGB egg. He did not raise any. The next year he won Best of Variety on a pullet. We all knew he had stolen the egg. That is why many shows say that the eggs laid at the show are the property of the show. Many a show I was the one who gathered the eggs and broke them in the trash can.

Leg bands deter losses at a show, but can not stop them.

As for missing the toe punching. You can still toe punch at several months old. If the toe punch will slide over the web, it should work.
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I've been searching these posts and can't find where someone said what size leg bands they use. Am I getting size 12 for the 4H show? The metal leg bands issued by the state wouldn't fit my Marans roo, so I didn't even try the Orps?
Any suggestions?.
I had some problem couple my roo, state use the turkey band.
LOVE this boy!! I'm happy he's my God-child."The look of eagles" is definitely there.
Oh my is he beautiful!!! And yes, the look of eagles is right! Everyone here that has shown their birds must be proud!
I have so much to learn yet. I am not even sure how old my chicks are, they were all born this spring, but I don't know how many
weeks they are ( or months). I will try and get some photos up soon. My two orpingtons are my favorites, then my 3 wyandottes are
next. I think I have 2 roosters there darn.
Yes but if your not monitoring those zip tied bracelets every could loose a FOOT... or a whole chicken....One of my young roos nearly lots his foot.. :( I dont like them things for my birds :(

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