The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

I came home today to find my beautiful Splash roo, Neville, dead. He was laying on his side in the run as if he had just suddenly fallen over. No one is showing any kind of sickness in my flock, so I don't believe he passed from some kind of disease. It has been warmer here more than usual but our runs are under a large stand of trees and the birds always have a continuous supply of fresh water. I double checked to make sure that the automatic watering system was working and I couldn't find any problem. All I can think of is that his heart must have stopped, or something else internal must have gone wrong that I could not identify. He seemed perfectly fine this morning when I let everyone out of the coop. Neville would have been 3 in November.

Sorry to hear that. He was a beautiful bird and im sure a dear pet by age 3
Jeremy, I am very sorry for your loss. I lost a Jubilee rooster a couple of months ago. It was around 104°F that day here. It was a shock to me as none of the others were affected by the heat. Please accept my sympathies.
I am so sorry for your loss Jeremy. I too lost my share this summer to the heat. It is always so sad. What a beauty he was!

I came home today to find my beautiful Splash roo, Neville, dead. He was laying on his side in the run as if he had just suddenly fallen over. No one is showing any kind of sickness in my flock, so I don't believe he passed from some kind of disease. It has been warmer here more than usual but our runs are under a large stand of trees and the birds always have a continuous supply of fresh water. I double checked to make sure that the automatic watering system was working and I couldn't find any problem. All I can think of is that his heart must have stopped, or something else internal must have gone wrong that I could not identify. He seemed perfectly fine this morning when I let everyone out of the coop. Neville would have been 3 in November.

I came home today to find my beautiful Splash roo, Neville, dead. He was laying on his side in the run as if he had just suddenly fallen over. No one is showing any kind of sickness in my flock, so I don't believe he passed from some kind of disease. It has been warmer here more than usual but our runs are under a large stand of trees and the birds always have a continuous supply of fresh water. I double checked to make sure that the automatic watering system was working and I couldn't find any problem. All I can think of is that his heart must have stopped, or something else internal must have gone wrong that I could not identify. He seemed perfectly fine this morning when I let everyone out of the coop. Neville would have been 3 in November.

Jeremy, I am so sorry for your loss ! It hurts to lose a feathered friend.
Do you have any snakes? I sold Jeff Thornton a nice Buff Orpington trio. A few weeks later a rattlesnake got in their coop and nailed all 3. The cockerel fought but lost. Look for a snake bite. Sad to hear of anyone losing a bird.

I came home today to find my beautiful Splash roo, Neville, dead. He was laying on his side in the run as if he had just suddenly fallen over. No one is showing any kind of sickness in my flock, so I don't believe he passed from some kind of disease. It has been warmer here more than usual but our runs are under a large stand of trees and the birds always have a continuous supply of fresh water. I double checked to make sure that the automatic watering system was working and I couldn't find any problem. All I can think of is that his heart must have stopped, or something else internal must have gone wrong that I could not identify. He seemed perfectly fine this morning when I let everyone out of the coop. Neville would have been 3 in November.

I came home today to find my beautiful Splash roo, Neville, dead. He was laying on his side in the run as if he had just suddenly fallen over. No one is showing any kind of sickness in my flock, so I don't believe he passed from some kind of disease. It has been warmer here more than usual but our runs are under a large stand of trees and the birds always have a continuous supply of fresh water. I double checked to make sure that the automatic watering system was working and I couldn't find any problem. All I can think of is that his heart must have stopped, or something else internal must have gone wrong that I could not identify. He seemed perfectly fine this morning when I let everyone out of the coop. Neville would have been 3 in November.

Jeremy, I am so sorry for your loss.
I came home today to find my beautiful Splash roo, Neville, dead. He was laying on his side in the run as if he had just suddenly fallen over. No one is showing any kind of sickness in my flock, so I don't believe he passed from some kind of disease. It has been warmer here more than usual but our runs are under a large stand of trees and the birds always have a continuous supply of fresh water. I double checked to make sure that the automatic watering system was working and I couldn't find any problem. All I can think of is that his heart must have stopped, or something else internal must have gone wrong that I could not identify. He seemed perfectly fine this morning when I let everyone out of the coop. Neville would have been 3 in November.

So Sorry
I lost 5 out of my 12 - week old chicks to a cocci outbreak yesterday. Am starting to wonder if we are not ment to have this breed.

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