The Imposible Happened!


10 Years
Mar 16, 2009
Cincinnati, OH
So i dont know if my thermometer doesnt work right but somehow i have a pip. There was a yard sale in the town and i locked my dogs in their kennel in the room with my incubator full of eggs. not thinking hot day plus doggie heat equals really hot eggs. i got home and my temp was 113!!! i was devestated since it was a week from hatch day and knowing that there was no way that my eggs could have survived but i left the light on for them and continued through the motions like they would hatch. by some miracle i have a pip now hopefully this lil one makes it out alive and convinces a buddy to hatch so i dont have a lonely chick. These little buggers are fighters and as long as you dont drop them they will apparently survive. good hatching vibes that i get two
Hatching dust coming your way.
Best of luck with your hatching!

I had a nasty temperature spike over 110 for at least a couple hours (heat wave, warmest room in the house etc.) and just about gave up. Just before I turned the bator off and threw the eggs out I thought I should have one last look at them to make sure and they were pipping! 2 days early but I ended up with 5 out of 6 hatching successfully (6th died after pipping).

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