The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

My girls are now 17 weeks! I've been reading various info about when they start laying. Some are saying 20ish weeks, and others say not till 6 months. Just varies by bird I assume?
My girls are now 17 weeks! I've been reading various info about when they start laying. Some are saying 20ish weeks, and others say not till 6 months. Just varies by bird I assume?
I have two Khaki Campbell females and they laid their first egg at exactly 20 weeks of age. Almost like they looked at the calendar entry I made the day they hatched. And, they have been giving me two eggs a day since. They are renowned for their egg laying capability and mine are living up to their reputation. It is about 24 weeks now and I am still waiting for the first Blue Swedish and Cayuga eggs so they may be more the 6 months ones.
COOL! I can't wait!! I have all kinds of new layers, chickens, and I'm afraid I won't know who's laying what. I need a critter cam :)
COOL! I can't wait!! I have all kinds of new layers, chickens, and I'm afraid I won't know who's laying what. I need a critter cam :)
Worry not. There is a difference between chicken eggs and Khaki eggs. The duck eggs are larger and will have a slight, what I call, dirty pattern. They are not a true white or a beige but sort of a grey/beige/white and have streaks of slightly darker color on them.
my quackers r boys all but 1. So yeah I got 3 drakes & 1 susie. GB Leelee Phoebe r my boys yes they have girl names but its hard to tell during the 1st few months but now heads r turn in green & attitudes/personalities fit them my 3 big 1s r boys!!!!! Susie is definitely a girl.4mnths of hard work & its definitely payin off. Quick ? Tho what age will I need to separate Susie from them boys & when will she start paying eggs...? Too many questions for 1 post yeah gotta get it figured out tho cause Susie keeps standing on the feeder. Like she is looking for a box to stand on! Wth...what now ya know!?
My male started breeding with my females at about 17 weeks. Not a pretty sight but something that happens in nature. I would move the female to her own area at around 15-17 weeks. She should start laying at about 20 weeks. I would also look into either getting rid of two males or getting about 10 more females.
Ick well that sucks I love my boys but when nature calls .... Lol guess I'll b checkn n2 getting sum more females & maybe parting with 1 of my boys idk decisions decisions!!! Thnx so much for all the info luv my KC duck thread!!
These are the 4 Khaki Campbells that I got in June. They were hatched sometimes in May so not sure how old they are but so far none of them look very boyish. Was hoping for at least one boy in the group but not seeing one yet. The only one with any difference is one has a green beak and the others have black brown. Could that one be a boy?

Thanks for the responses about Stella. Either way she/he would stay but I had concerns if she turned into a Stanley because I did not know what would happen with just chickens when he comes into his matting season. By the way when is the ducks matting seasons? I wanted to share this idea I saw on the net setting up a duck pool and I did it. So far no leaks and Stella swims and swims. I put a leader hose on so I can water the plants next to the run and not waste the water


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