The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

no chance there are any trick for gender id??
Post pictures, good quality, of them both side view and face and we can give it a shot. No guarantees but sometimes they develop gender identifiers early.

SORRY. Just saw the pictures. It is still too early to tell anything but I do think one may be male. Can't be all that sure though until a few more weeks pass.
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My male died yesterday and my female is all alone. Will she be ok alone and is it OK to put a baby in with her. She is about 2 months old??? Please help. I'm ver very new at this.
So guys, I have a couple questions about my awesome duckies, and you all seemed like the best people to ask. First off, does anyone have an actual pond their ducks hang out in? We have a real pond on our property and we'd like to let our little buddies go enjoy, swim in, play in, wash in, and eat in the pond, as they and our hens will be free range during the day. That said, the pond definitely has some leeches, I read that they will eat them. Is that going to be okay, or should we try to eliminate the leeches before letting them go play?
Also, about how old do the duckies need to be before their sex will be clear? Mine are about 6 weeks, maybe 7 (Got them at TSC and I think they were around 1 week old when we got them). Every time I think I know whether they're boys or girls I change my mind, and I am so anxious to know!
My male died yesterday and my female is all alone. Will she be ok alone and is it OK to put a baby in with her. She is about 2 months old??? Please help. I'm ver very new at this.
Domestic fowl of all sorts are flocking birds and do not do well alone so, if possible, get her a companion. However, try to get one that is close to her age and/or size to avoid her possibly injuring or killing a young duckling. If you can then introduce them to each other in seperate cages/pens until they seem interested but not aggressive. If you can only get a duckling then you will absolutely want to keep them apart but so that they can see and interact until they are pretty much the same size even though they will be different ages. They are not aware of age but the are aware of size and will try to exercise dominance that is size driven. Unless you plan on breeding the two there is no reason to have a male. Two females will bond and be like old maid sisters as time goes by. Good luck to you.
Olga has built herself a nice big nest and has hardly moved for the last 3 days, when she went for a stretch outside I counted 14 eggs.

The 8 babies from the incubator are growing up quickly and spent daytime outside in a run now before coming inside for the night.

The new Hovabator automatic incubator is loaded up with 36 Khaki Campbell eggs and 6 Buff Orpington. Time going slowly waiting for those to be ready!


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