The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

Olga has built herself a nice big nest and has hardly moved for the last 3 days, when she went for a stretch outside I counted 14 eggs. The 8 babies from the incubator are growing up quickly and spent daytime outside in a run now before coming inside for the night. The new Hovabator automatic incubator is loaded up with 36 Khaki Campbell eggs and 6 Buff Orpington. Time going slowly waiting for those to be ready!
14 eggs? Someone has been busy! She's so cute :)
14 eggs? Someone has been busy! She's so cute :)

The other female has added a few of her own so it's probably half her eggs and half the other. The other one has made a bit of a nest but doesn't have the inclination to sit just yet. Going to be 50+ babies running around in a few weeks, can't wait!
Olga has built herself a nice big nest and has hardly moved for the last 3 days, when she went for a stretch outside I counted 14 eggs.

The 8 babies from the incubator are growing up quickly and spent daytime outside in a run now before coming inside for the night.

The new Hovabator automatic incubator is loaded up with 36 Khaki Campbell eggs and 6 Buff Orpington. Time going slowly waiting for those to be ready!

What app is that?
I hope mine won't be that skittish , but I suppose it depends on the birds .
Aww , if they are afraid of me I'll have to try that , as it seems to have made your babies so friendly

They seem to not completely panic when I get near them but still not particularly fond of me. I had them outside the last couple days and they enjoyed themselves greatly picking at things and chasing each other around. I think letting them run themselves around a bit during the day is keeping them a bit calmer in the tub. They're going to outgrow it pretty quick though so I'll need to come up with something within the week. It's still far too cold at night here to leave them outside.

One was particularly reluctant to let me catch it to take it inside this evening and it was pretty comical watching it trip over itself trying to run from me. If they don't get friendly at least they'll learn that trying to avoid me will not work.

Awwwwww , they could just reach over and have bite , swish it around in their water without getting up! So adorable

That's about the size of it. I did think they were pooping in the water because that tub is so small, but even in the 8' by 5' cage outside they still manage to hit the water as often as not.

I'll have up some more pictures soon.

I have 2 KC about 9 weeks old. Does anyone know why it sounds like they have laryngitis when they quack? They are still all brown and no signs of turning green. I do have 6 other ducks 1 has a curly tail.

I have 2 KC about 9 weeks old. Does anyone know why it sounds like they have laryngitis when they quack? They are still all brown and no signs of turning green. I do have 6 other ducks 1 has a curly tail.

They're probably boys if they sound like that. KC heads won't turn green, and you won't see drake feathers for weeks yet.
They seem to not completely panic when I get near them but still not particularly fond of me.  I had them outside the last couple days and they enjoyed themselves greatly picking at things and chasing each other around.   I think letting them run themselves around a bit during the day is keeping them a bit calmer in the tub.  They're going to outgrow it pretty quick though so I'll need to come up with something within the week.  It's still far too cold at night here to leave them outside.

One was particularly reluctant to let me catch it to take it inside this evening and it was pretty comical watching it trip over itself trying to run from me.  If they don't get friendly at least they'll learn that trying to avoid me will not work. 

That's about the size of it.   I did think they were pooping in the water because that tub is so small, but even in the 8' by 5' cage outside they still manage to hit the water as often as not. 

I'll have up some more pictures soon. 

They are adorable when they try to waddle-run away from you and trip over their own webbed feet !
When I was younger my neighbors had ducks , and when they jumped out of the kiddie pool I was my job to catch them...suffice it to say they didn't like me at all!
We got a large sized kiddie pool from Dollar General , it's 5" round and 12inches deep , and it'll be more than enough for our 6 ducks.
Can't wait to see them ;)

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