The Kitchen Table - come sit with us! new request added to post 1!

It's glass, and it's a VERY small desk, and I have a huge wide, flat-style desktop that covers up most of the desk! But yes I can see some glass around the edges here and there. What's not covered up by the mousepad, organizer thingy, and whatever food I might be eating/drinking at the moment.

Since I have this huge computer "tabletop" in front of my moniter

arrrhem, a picture is worth a thousand words:

See that ^ is when it was actually clean. You can see my computer-top. Right now.....well, not so much.
The computer's top is the part that collects most of the junk such as lose change, random receipts, empty food containers, etc. It's so crowded that forks and spoons are now being stored in the floor, right where they fell last night....

Yeah, I might should clean off my desk/computer tomorrow. Talking about it makes the mess REALLY stand out!!!
Um, most of it? I just cleaned yesterday, so it's pretty good. Those Silly Bandz things are still everywhere, no matter what I do.

I can't wait to finish sanding my new secretary desk!!!! The office is going to look A LOT nicer.
good morning!

My desk still looks the same as yesterday.
But, I spent the day mowing the *meadow*, pruning bushes, washing windows, making sourdough sponge (bread is TODAY!) cleaning the floors, doing woodwork, and general cleaning. Really, I'll get to the desk today! I promise.
Lady Orpy, did you kill the castle. [ just kidden]. I must have an arch enemy. Will you be the jelly on my PBJ or the salsa on my nachos or the worm on my eagle claw hook? Dont mind the withch doc, he got hammered in NOrleans and took a rong turn in Albekurke. You cant find good help these days. Till next time, Im sending the Hyper Protecter of Scottland after you.

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