The Legbar Thread!

I couldn't find that other post silverfox. seems to be missing.

i had a thought on this one though.

Originally Posted by silverfox0786

unfortunately due inpropper breading practices the Legbars have Lost Autosexing Qualities and that is what is being re refined

so the girls with headspots and boys with stripes is becoming all to common

I just don't agree that the autosexing qualities have been lost.

let me know if you need help. these chicks can be sexed

even if it takes some effort(I agree it should be easier)
A disagreement to start.

then an admittance hey these are hard to sex but can you(like a challenge, here here can you do it) Their should be no CAN BE> it should be extremely easy

Then admittance again. yet this time to agree with silverfox "it should be easier", which is what i believe is what silverfox was saying to begin with, so i don't see the debate here..

Please lets understand this quote from redeemed people and chicken divas.. anytime anybody needs some reminding i will post this for everyone.

Originally Posted by Redeemed
I bow to your considerable years of experience in chickens. I am not here to debate on things I am rocky on at best.
Debates are things which do Not necessarily increase knowledge as we well know . In most cases debates tend to be destructive and a tool that a lot of people use to simply bash others.

I see this all to often, and it is really sad that something as great as chickens that can bring so many people together can be turned into a bad thing to boost someones egos and make them feel Superior in knowledge over someone else. I said it once before. in chickens i can observe one thing in my flock and a different breeder can observe something totally different in theirs. if both these breeders get on this forum and say ahhhhh this is what happens with CL and the other person can only disagree and tell someone they are wrong and they don't have the proper knowledge. here let me teach you because i know better than you. this is extremely lame and childish. I can only imagine that something else is lacking in peoples lives that they must one up someone else on a chicken thread. I mean common its a chicken thread.
Everyones observations have merit.

Sometimes we just have to take a back seat and allow others to share and express what they have learned and if its different than what we have experienced that is a wonderful thing to hear and share.

It doesn't mean they are wrong or ignorant.

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I don't want to cause a stir here

I have kept Legbar for while now but never introduced myself until now due to being a noob before hand and now I have a little knowledge and experience in breeding them (AS A HOBBIST) I thought i'd say hi and maybe give my opinions and ideas to help my Fellow neighbour

but it seems that im still a noob on this thread and I dont feel offended by that

the truth is that USA stock needs better Birds. refining a bird that was already refined cannot be re-refined if its gone wrong

it needs getting rid of and starting again

in UK there are some top quality breeders and Legbar are readily available so my stock I don't need to fix it or clean it or refine if its wrong I just get shot of it and start again

if USA breeders don't wish to do that then good luck to you I cant make you or force you.

Emily is not stupid she is an award winner and still she is so humble that on the phone today she said im not an expert when I spoke to her and said I believe your a Legbar expert

the important thing she said was what I posted before about not being able to refine the gold or darker barring and she knows what she is talking about

I bid my fellow Legbar enthusiast the very best of luck in there hobby. I don't see a place for me in this thread and will continue my work with them as done by punnet and david with the help of Emily and her fellow breeders as I have joined her group also
You are so fortunate to get to talk to Emily! She is such a beautiful person inside and out and has a been a huge help in getting our American Cream Legbar Club club started, contacts, as well as sharing photos and explaining the breed and SOP to us. I wish you a wonderful journey with your Cream Legbars! We can't wait until the Rees birds are available here!
I feel like we have just taken a huge step backwards with the Cream Legbars. Last year people in the U.S. were comparing their Cream Legbars with the top lines in the UK and wondering if their flock would ever match their quality. Then they started hatching and many around the country were presently supprised to see good things come out of the brooder. I am not sure why people are again saying we can't improove our stock. I didn't listen to them last year and I am not going to listen to them this year either.
IMO, dealing with other livestock my experience is you can improve this breed with special care in breeding. I have never been able to start of with top quality stock. But... with careful breeding I have been able to improved my stock of what ever I was raising. Sheep, goats,rabbits, horses, and now chickens and ducks. How ever it may have taken me a few years to do so, it is achievable. It involves adding new blood that has the quality you are trying to achieve. You may get recessive genes on occasions. We need to remember that by breeding inferior stock to inferior stock does nothing to improve the breed. This is my opinion on the matter and we MUST remember to not bash anyone else's opinion.
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I just want to say that I have learned an amazing amount from ALL the people on this thread, even when posts are sometimes inelegantly stated.

In electronic media we don't have the benefit of seing someone's expressions, don't know their intent, and can often read harshness where the intent was to be brief and factual. (Or at least the facts to the best of our knowledge.) We really need to cut each other some slack.

I'm not a breeder, just a person that loves to learn, in depth, about things. Thanks to everyone who takes time to post so that I can learn!
Here here. This is about learning and improving this breed do to the fact that it is so new to us. Genetic's can be very hard to manage unless you are a Genetic engineer for animals. Even then they have problems. I have learned so much from this thread and cherish everyone's opinion.
I feel like we have just taken a huge step backwards with the Cream Legbars. Last year people in the U.S. were comparing their Cream Legbars with the top lines in the UK and wondering if their flock would ever match their quality. Then they started hatching and many around the country were presently supprised to see good things come out of the brooder. I am not sure why people are again saying we can't improove our stock. I didn't listen to them last year and I am not going to listen to them this year either.
I don't want to cause a stir here

I have kept Legbar for while now but never introduced myself until now due to being a noob before hand and now I have a little knowledge and experience in breeding them (AS A HOBBIST) I thought i'd say hi and maybe give my opinions and ideas to help my Fellow neighbour

but it seems that im still a noob on this thread and I dont feel offended by that

the truth is that USA stock needs better Birds. refining a bird that was already refined cannot be re-refined if its gone wrong

it needs getting rid of and starting again

in UK there are some top quality breeders and Legbar are readily available so my stock I don't need to fix it or clean it or refine if its wrong I just get shot of it and start again

if USA breeders don't wish to do that then good luck to you I cant make you or force you.

Emily is not stupid she is an award winner and still she is so humble that on the phone today she said im not an expert when I spoke to her and said I believe your a Legbar expert

the important thing she said was what I posted before about not being able to refine the gold or darker barring and she knows what she is talking about

I bid my fellow Legbar enthusiast the very best of luck in there hobby. I don't see a place for me in this thread and will continue my work with them as done by punnet and david with the help of Emily and her fellow breeders as I have joined her group also
I don't think you should avoid the thread. I think that some folks are really trying to better their flocks and some are truly making strides but as with everything there are always backwards steps that occur. It is not as easy to get quality stock here because what we have is what we have. I have become more of a lurker on here recently as I have no desire to provide fodder for those looking for bone to pick, but there is good information being tossed around whether you agree with it or not. I don't take anything as gospel said on here and feel it best to do my own testing of theories with my flock which has it's problems but it's what I have to work with. It would be great to toss out the baby with the bath water if you had a open faucet so to speak but ours stock is limited so we have to do the best we can with what we have. These are all theories and ideas, some may bear out some will not but our discussion cannot be the same as you would have in the UK as we do not have the luxuries with this breed you enjoy over there. it would be nice if we did. Stick around your experience is a value to us.
I feel like we have just taken a huge step backwards with the Cream Legbars.  Last year people in the U.S.  were comparing their Cream Legbars with the top lines in the UK and wondering if their flock would ever match their quality.  Then they started hatching and many around the country were presently supprised to see good things come out of the brooder. I am not sure why people are again saying we can't improove our stock.  I didn't listen to them last year and I am not going to listen to them this year either. 

I agree and I am not thrilled with the recent "tone" of some of the posts. I am not prepared to throw in the towel and give up on my cream leg bar project just because top british breeders think we are wasting our time. I absolutely respect the work that they have done, Emily has created a masterpiece with her breeding program and set pretty high bar for us. I have original stock of questionable coloring. When I first got them and compared them to the British standard I was pretty disappointed. I don't have the ability or even the desire to purchase perfect stock. If I did there are other breeds available here in the US that would suit me better. My motivation is to work with what I have and with what I can get to improve the color and appearance of my stock. Even though it might be difficult and may take years and depend on Greenfire to continue to import "better" quality stock as well. I am not doing this to get instant results or to even make a dime on this project. I am doing his because these are lovely quirky chickens who give me huge blue eggs and make me smile. Something worth sharing with other crazy chicken people.

Genetics are a funny thing. You never know what may pop up in recessive genes or traits that are influenced by multiple factors. I am not an expert, but when I look at who my parents were and the diversity of their 3 children, when I feed my horse bred from top quality race horses (who I had to train to canter in a straight line) and my solid filly who's parents were both 3 color paints I know there ar no guarantees and the possibilities are infinite.


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