The Legbar Thread!

Also, since TYPE is the most important thing that we should be working on for Cream Legbar the TYPE of the Leghorn our goal... as in the beautiful leghorn above, or is there a difference in CL type that is going to be the 'ideal'.

Especially important now-a-days, as people who are breeding, are going to be gearing up for the spring season...and lining up their breeding pairs for 2014.

Also -- do we have a 45-degree tail angle from the back-line of the cockerel or from horizontal. Since only recently have I even seen lower tail angles, I thought that the standard was going to be un-attainable. But now I have seen some birds that seem to have the 'correct' angle - I think Steen's was the first one I saw that looked correct.

Anyone weighing their birds... I have a pullet coming up to 1-year old and she weighs 3.5# - I think she is a skinny little runt. (but very endearing, and probably clouldn't be considered too fat).
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Kestlyn -
you are the BEST!!!

Any chance a link to the above article could be made available? Also if anyone has the British Standard for Poultry - could someone paraphrase the information that is on page 54 and pass it along to the membership??
ETA-- I think I mean BYC forum
Copywrite runs until next year I think, so any public copies before that are illegal...but next year hopefully we should be able to make a digital copy! It is available via Library exchange though.

Do you want the other variety standards in American English? or just a place to see it? The British Autosexing Poultry site has it.
Or you can go to Amazon and check page 53/54 for the actual page. Or if you want it in APA American I can start working on it.

I do wonder when the downs changed from like the gold, as Pease said, to like the silver as the current British Standard states. Unless they are referring to adult down and chick down, which could be entirely different.

I have sent out snail mail requests to British judges regarding both shafting and the color cream, as per Walt's request, but have not heard anything back yet. If they are not able to respond soon I will ask for more judges names to try.
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As per Walt in the CSU thread, the tail angle is measured from the backline, NOT from the horizontal (eg the ground)
juststruttin shared this diagram, which Walt confirmed, for measuring tail angle- the backline is the point to look for wry tail, not a horizontal line. This bird would be considered squirrel-tailed.

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Kpenley thanks for post 5507. That settled it for me. I like the all silver look to the CREAM LEGBAR. My cream roos have a small amount of chestnut which i like too. But its light and not noticible from far off. But up close it is an actual light chestnut not red
I think they should have leghorn Type... but the birds I see in the USA and UK look somewhat larger, Why would people breeding legbars should aim to have good Leghorn Type. why? well as with Pease and other breeders, you can Easely improve other productive trait by infusing a productive line of light brown leghorns to the mix. Also introducing Hybrid Vigor from time to time without deviating much from the original line...
Nice..... near silver looking which is what genetically happens on a none red enhanced double diluted birds(by cream and double barring) I also believe these type Cream Legbars also carry a mutant form of Barring(light Barring) that some of the Rich colored birds lack.. if you take a close look at the bird on it self its not only the cream color that is diluted to a near silver color but entire body is diluted to a light grey color...

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