The Migratory/Ornamental Waterfowl INFO Thread

yep, I know what you mean.
Most likely, your supplier didnt know they had been removed from the list, so he just gave them the papers anyway. Never hurts to have them anyway, just no longer needed.
Which for them, to me is logical, they never should have been on it in the first place, not being native. There are several others on there I feel they really need to be remove as well, as they arent native either.

To me, it should only be native species that are in North America, or endangered species, like the Laysan teal and white wing wood duck

Stuff like smew, baer's pochard, gargany teal, falcated teal, baikal teal and all have no business on there if you ask me
if i am going build a pen 10x10 this summer or not and i read few post and i was thinking owning mandrain duck for me to raise and take care. Mallard lane farm, and waterdog I look pretty price
Normally Mid March for me on at least 1 pr of Mandarins. Usually the 2nd pr waited a few weeks. This is first time for 3 pr and all are new blood so it will be wait and see
Our birds get excited to if it gets close to or above freezing with a little sunshine they all start breeding and courting but usually hold off on eggs until March. We even seen a hoodie hen come out of a nest box today.

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