The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

I just opened the shed that the hens live in, flipped out the folding ramp so I could get in, and accidentally killed my little splash ameracauna hen Gigi. I didn't even see her. I was too busy dealing with the rooster who was posturing, and distracted. I'm taking of the ramp first thing tomorrow morning. That won't bring her back. She was a hundred pounds of personality in a tiny little body.
I can't even describe how aweful I feel.
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I just opened the shed that the hens live in, flipped out the folding ramp so I could get in, and accidentally killed my little splash ameracauna hen Gigi. I didn't even see her. I was too busy dealing with the rooster who was posturing, and distracted. I'm taking of the ramp first thing tomorrow morning. That won't bring her back. She was a hundred pounds of personality in a tiny little body.
oooo blue I'm so sorry! Please don't blame yourself...terrible things happen to everyone. You know you never meant for that to happen...have a good cry. I truly hope tomorrow is better for you.
I just opened the shed that the hens live in, flipped out the folding ramp so I could get in, and accidentally killed my little splash ameracauna hen Gigi. I didn't even see her. I was too busy dealing with the rooster who was posturing, and distracted. I'm taking of the ramp first thing tomorrow morning. That won't bring her back. She was a hundred pounds of personality in a tiny little body.
I can't even describe how aweful I feel.
OH MY! I am so sorry for your loss!!!
I'm also sorry. Some times we do silly things that result in tragedy. It wasn't your fault. We've ALL been there.

Sorry to post this on such a sad post but I also burst out laughing over the lip stick. I just got through vent checking. I need to go brush my teeth and find mouthwash.
I just opened the shed that the hens live in, flipped out the folding ramp so I could get in, and accidentally killed my little splash ameracauna hen Gigi. I didn't even see her. I was too busy dealing with the rooster who was posturing, and distracted. I'm taking of the ramp first thing tomorrow morning. That won't bring her back. She was a hundred pounds of personality in a tiny little body.
I can't even describe how aweful I feel.
So sorry! She knows you loved her!!
I gotta say DH is pretty handy. My friends are envious and borrow him from time to time to jump start their home projects that their husbands won't do or don't have a clue how to do them. He & my daughter had my flock out free ranging when I got home from work today. The roo was not happy...flew at hubby, daughter and 1 of the dogs who wasn't doing anything, not even near the girls. Didn't hurt anyone and they weren't too upset. I told them he's just doing his job...protecting his flock. I've told both of them to pick him up when he does this to show him who's boss. I gave him some scratch from my hand and he called to the girls, waited for them to have some before he ate. He really is a good boy!

30 Chicks!! Your eggs are beautiful!!

Too cute!!

I never thought to record the that idea!!
Hubby is hoping one of my baby girls turns out to be a roo. I guess it's a guy think. My babies made Mama proud in the little firs outing into their run. I big back ant was the first treat they found and then they split (literally) a worm. Once they got bas the wiggle it was noodle time and they slurped it right down like pros :)
Where oh where did I read about putting food color in the hens vent to mark the eggs? I have been searching, but not finding the thread
It's an old trick that has been written about on various threads and on other blog sites for some time now. I wrote about it on another thread a few months ago. Yellow doesn't work well on light colored eggs because it's too pale. Food coloring is easier to use than lip stick and doesn't have the weird ingrediant's in it that lip stick does. A few drops in the vent will mark a few eggs for a couple days on one hen. You can mix the colors to get new colors too. Like blue and red for purple and yellow and red for orange.
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