The NEW Crazy 24hr AUCTION thread

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click the one on the far right. This is on a Droid RAZR
My SLWs didn't hatch
The gal looking after things while we are in the UK said 9 were fully developed but didn't make the hatch. I am a sad panda
I am really sorry about your slw's.
is it possible the humidity was off.................or maybe shipping?????????
Mine from the same eggs did OK.50%............ had close to 100% the hatch before .Hope you can try again............they are such beautiful chickens....................
haaaahhaaa My chickens get into my car when we are unloading, I have to look carefully to be sure all are out when closing doors. Turkeys just look but don't get in the car or get on my car-- they are TOOO big to make the effort. Turkeys are m uch lazier than chickens.

I read this and went "CRAP! I left the Exploder open!" and found 2 hens scrounging for tidbits that escaped the bag of grain I just brought home. LOL at least they didn't 'oops' in it... hubby would have a cow. he has a 'no chickens allowed' rule for it.
Up for 24-Hour-Auction: 12+ Silver Laced Wyandotte Eggs! Auction ends @6pm July 31st PST Bids start at $6 Shipping is $15 I wrap each egg in bubble wrap and nestle them snugly and securely. I haven't had an egg break yet! These are great hatchers. I've hatched about 50 in the past month and I am done for the year. Fertility has been 90 to 100% and hatch rate about 80 to 90% here at the farm. They're beautiful, fluffy, and easy to look at. Great layers and don't mind being around children.
Up for 24-Hour-Auction!! 12+ French Black Copper Marans! Bid start at $8 Shipping/packaging $15 Starts now and ends at 6pm July 31st PST Will ship Monday/Tuesdays only Feathered shanks and outter toe, copper around the neck, perfect green/purple sheen and beautiful body shape, so far heat tolerant. These are a combo of reg and pullet eggs. Some just started laying about 3 weeks ago. They hatched in January and I can't believe they've started laying already! Egg color is beautiful and fertility has been tested and proven. If anyone is interested in trying them out? I hate to eat them, but no more hatching for me this year! I wrap each egg in bubble wrap and nestle them snugly and securely. I haven't had an egg break yet! Here is a pic of color next to some regular brown and a light brown egg.
haaaahhaaa My chickens get into my car when we are unloading, I have to look carefully to be sure all are out when closing doors. Turkeys just look but don't get in the car or get on my car-- they are TOOO big to make the effort.
Turkeys are m uch lazier than chickens.
My turkeys chase cars and sleep in the trees
At bedtime mine can make it to the top rails of the fencing or the roof of their coop, otherwise they are ground dwellers. THough the youngsters at 2 months old go anyhwhere they want! Barn rafters, trails thru the tall grass, steal grain dropped out stall doors, then raid the layers feed!! A bunch of hoodlums!!

the little Salmon Favorallas I hatched from auction eggs. Hatched 13 from 14 eggs , one died shorty after hatching , and 2 that night. the rest are doing find.
They went swimming in there water dish right before pictures.
Are the little dark winged one male or can you tell?

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