The new (human) baby thread...

Kelly, he's adorable!

robin, I don't have any newer photos on the computer yet so I can't post them.
where are you shopping?! you can get one at walmart for about 20 or so, or even the thrift store or craigslist..that is way too much for a few months use.
i am getting francis a walker soon...he is so fidgety and ready to move around on his own.

I looked at Walmart... and Target and Amazon, etc. The thrift stores around here no longer carry baby stuff other than clothes... too many recalls. Craigslist is a pain in the rear end but maybe I'll try it.
Why do you have a new username... did you forget your password?
Robin'sBrood :

Why do you have a new username... did you forget your password?

yes, and I no longer have access to the email address I used either so I couldn't request it.
(I'm a bit scatterbrained still...)​
My little Ethan will be 4 months old on Thursday... can't believe it! He has also reached a new milestone... he now gets scared and will cry the most pitiful cry ever! My DH was holding him yesterday and I was brushing my teeth with my electric toothbrush while standing close to him. He was watching me very intently and all of a sudden he let started with the most heart wrenching crying. Then this morning my DD was playing with him with some of his toys and apparently she scared him and he did the same thing. Poor baby.

So what milestones are your babies reaching these days?
awww bless him!

Arwyn's 6 weeks 5 days, this week he's been lifting his head with much more control (and headbutting us in the cheeks when we're holding him), and grabbing at clothes and hair ...
loves hitting the animals on his babygym to make it play music... and he's all bunged up with a cold, poor little thing!
time is weird... was there a life before I had Arwyn? because it feels like he's been here forever..

and he's growing too quickly!
Has anyone started feeding their babies solids yet? Got a box of rice cereal for Ethan yesterday but I'm not sure I'm ready to start him on it just yet. It is so funny to watch them start eating food... we should post pics of their first food experiences.
I have a 10 month old Daughter named Autumn. Yes, she was born in the fall, (October to be exact) but we had the name picked out long before !
It's my favorite time of year, and my husband and I thought the name was beautiful.

When she was born we knew the name fit perfectly

This is Autumn Lee:

This picture was taken at the beginning of June this year, at our favorite beach.

She is starting to eat stage 3 food now, and eats tons of finger foods! Shes not totally ready to totally transfer to all real foods because she's late on teething, and only has one little bottom front tooth
(More are coming though... crying fits Que me in on that!!!)

We love our baby! She is our first, and would love it if God blesses us with more soon!

RobinsBrood, how old exactly is Ethan? I started Autumn on oatmeal at 4 1/2 months, and she loved it! With rice cereal, you can have a bit of constipation, so be sure to watch for it! (Autumn had a bit of a problem when I gave her that at about 5 months). I would love to see pics! I have video of Autumns first taste of carrots... but I'm not sure I have any pictures. I'll have to look!

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