The new (human) baby thread...

wow, thats really amazing! francis still cant grasp things, although hes trying.
his new thing is squealing and jabbering..oh hes so cute.
today is his christening!!
arwyn says "eh" a lot...
he doesn't grab his toys, just hits at them to make the jingling noise
he looks so happy in the picture....very cute. We do ok now going out to eat with the 4 kids, but one always has a meltdown and has to be carted to the bathroom to calm down. Everytime we have a new baby we have to figure out the seating when we go out to eat....funny. Walmart is ok so far, hope it goes smooth when the baby comes. The 4 & 5 year old hold the cart most of the time and the 2 year old rides in the seat.....the 12 year old just follows and picks on the little ones.
i hear that, we had a hard time fitting the 6 older kids and the us in the pew last night..we had to squish everyone together. luckily, they are all good in public. its at home that we have issues.
your baby is absolutely darling!! i could eat him all up!!!

here is francis at his christening..i cant tell who is happier, francis or the priest!!


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