The new "State a fact about the person above"

has two polish chickens

p.s. if you read what it says at the bottom of shadow rabbit10's post it talks about hurricane relief. it is incredible what happened in and around nyc. i live in manhattan. 110 houses in breezy point are gone to one huge fire. i know people who lost their second houses in the fire. My second house in ct was not hurt. i did not experience any problems because i live on the upper east side of nyc. my friends and family members went without power for over a week and some people still don't have power. please do something. if you live on the east coast go and help. if you don't donate to the red cross. this is a very hard time for many people. it is a time of need. ACT NOW!!! help in hurricane relief! i will tell you now thank you from every body that needs help.

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