The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Morning all
Debby - 75°F here...nanner, nanner
Not superstitious, so doesn't apply

Blooie - totally agree 'bout the skeeters

Telia - Congrats on the anniversary

Fertility on the 312 eggs set, not good. I was just checking fertility anyway. The first eggs layed usually aren't fertile or very low fertility. Going to set another bunch today.
Doing an experiment, turning eggs horizontal vs. up right in the turner. See which one gives better development of the embryo. The first bunch where being turned horizotal, this bunch will be split half & half. Also, fertility should be higher this go around. Setting 150, so we'll see.
Sorry, blah, blah, blah! :oops:

It would be great if you reported your results on my BYC style Myth Busters thread! Interesting.
You like daffodils too? 20180330_180719.jpg 20180406_130849.jpg 20180406_130837.jpg 20180411_145013.jpg 20180330_180807.jpg 20180330_180819.jpg
Oh, good grief~ I did it again! Yep, you can get gangrene in a cut....If that nick is from a surgery site on your hand and it still has one little open spot left and IF you already have a compromised immune system and IF you didn't wait until the nick was completely sealed before you worked in the garden and IF you think that a bandaid and a vinyl glove under the leather gardening gloves will protect you when spreading manure from a neighbor's cow yard in your quit examining your nicks and cuts, Kelsey - I see you! It's all good! ;) :hugs

Aw gee Blooie that's awful! I would have thought that would protect you too! How did the germs even get in through all those layers? :rant:hugs

Thank you! :hugs

I do tend to go "huh how did I get that one?" Or "i wonder if it's infected"

:yuckyuck Not that you got gangrene, just your wording and description!


Blooie sure has a way with words!


Quiet day at work and for once, up to date with my greets and not busting a gut to finish them.

Cap it is probably a good thing that we are not permitted to keep bunnies as pets; looking at your beautiful bunnies I find myself wanting some. Already I am wondering if I could sneak in some Quail without hubby noticing ;) In reality though, I know my limits and I really do not have the free time required for any more pets so I will just adore yours and Jae’s.

Smart decision!

Talking pets … I have a bit of trivia. Did you know that female guppies can store the male sperm in her reproductive system for months? So, if you find yourself with all your male guppies gone, the females can repopulate the environment with more babies and hopefully males? Fascinating stuff hey? :p

Did I mention a quiet day at work? :lau

Huh, interesting.

You know there's a species of lizard that can change sex or reproduce by itself or something like that? And there's no more male lizards. Just females.

I have ‘em too, Teila, even though I’m too old and lazy to work. Interesting about the guppies, and since I grew up with a couple of tanks of them I did know that there always seemed to be little pairs of eyeballs swimming in the tanks. I used to deliberately buy the most gravid females I could find, though, to hedge my bets! :lau

Here’s one for you to ponder on your next slow day. Watch a common housefly. See him flying over your head with his little legs hanging down? Then BAM!! See him suddenly walking on the ceiling? Did you actually see that little booger flip to feet-side-up for landing? Drives me crazy!!

Um, you’re welcome!

I never thought of that but now it's gonna drive me crazy! Lol

Note to self: watch fly for a while now before trying to hit him with the swat to feed him to the window gecko or spray him! :lau

I do have one? You know how all animals have a 'purpose' no matter how dreaded? Their place in the ecosystem etc? Cockroaches are good cleaners etc.

Why mosquitoes? What good do they do? Do not tell me they are food for small birds, frogs and fishes etc .. the number of mosquitoes just does not compute with any creature being that hungry! :p

I was gonna say food for reptiles, amphibians, and birds :lol:

Actually, yes i did know that. Been keeping tropical fish on and off since i was 12! I used to breed guppies and developed a certain strain for a science experiment for a school project. Had to buy Virgin guppies to start with!

What kind of strain?

I think skeeters are here to keep us humble....the biggest of men can be brought to his knees by those little monsters. Of course, here in perfect Wyoming we don't just have ordinary mosquitoes. We call them Teeth with Wings, and I think they should be our state bird. <sigh>

Gee what kind of mosquitos are you guys growing there!?

And you believed them? The first thing to learn about guppies is that they LIE! :lau


She loves the gator!! You can’t hardly get in it before she's up and in. When it’s dry out she rides in the front.

My mom had it but survived it. She was in the hospital and checked herself out(against doctors orders once she came too). My brother passed away and she wasn’t going to miss his funeral. She looked terrible. Bad stuff!

Love that picture!!

So cute!!

I think your teeth with wings migrated here... take them back!

Sorry about your brother! :hugs


Good morning!

@rjohns39 have a good day, don't work too hard :lol:

@Blooie you're right about the mosquitos here. I thought all of them were the same but the WY skeeters could snack on the FL ones and still be hungry.

It's cold here this morning, only 22* out and we're not supposed to get above 37*.


View attachment 1336864

(No avoiding black cats for us with 1 at home and 3 at the golf course!)

Wyoming mosquitos sound scary!!

And I read ybat apparently most people get the superstition wrong or miss a key part. Apparently it is supposed to be that if a black cat stays with you, like chooses to stay and/or befriends you or whatever, then it actually brings you GOOD luck. But if it chooses to leave/doesn't like you then it's bad luck. So that's why you don't want a black cat to CROSS your path, cause it's leaving/doesn't like you and is taking the luck with it theoretically. But if it stays, the luck stays. So really everybody should be adopting black cats instead of refusing to own them!

Also, everybosy associates black cats with witches but actually that's not really true, it was white cats, especially blue eyed white cats, that they would have wanted just because they were so RARE. Black cats were/are common.

I wouldn't if I were you, could just be considered a stick in the eye to the work gods.

I don't think that will happen. Blooie prefers that people appreciate the gifts she gives them.


So pretty!! I didn't realize daffodils came in so many colors.

Thank you @ronott1, @KDOGG331, @Teila, @DigMyChicks, @CapricornFarm and @N F C :D (so many "thank you"s :lau)

@Michelle Farmer-Brown. I do do a little bit every now and again. I'm a lot better at chickens, though!

Very cute bunny and pretty daffoldils, @CapricornFarm :love

Is it bad that I forgot what I'm being thanked for.......????? :oops::oops:

<———— Flower and garden envy setting in bad here!


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