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Lots of problems trying to gather/research records in Europe and Britain due to all the damage/destruction from the world wars. Lots of documentation was destroyed/lost. In addition, I guess in many cemeteries over in Europe, you rent your grave space and when the rent stops getting paid, they dig you up and re-lease the plot. Other places I guess have a 50 year limit or some such. And still other places, they bury multiple people in the same grave space over years, so you really never know exactly who might be inside. Then of course there are the name changes to deal with... Quite a challenge... :confused::rolleyes:

true that you can't use cemeteries in Europe (unless you are someone super famous). But there are lots of records. Usually there are both church records and state records for all births, deaths, and marriages. That means if one set got burnt, the other set might still be there.

Some areas had much better records than others. ..all fascinating.
Couple reasons. I have bad insomnia, have no trouble falling asleep usually but staying asleep after more than a few hours... huge problem.
I had to be up at 3 anyway so it wasn't a big deal.
Another reason was I had Chipotle for dinner and my colon said I had to get up and deal with my choices.
So sorry, no fun at all.:hugs
I have been bestowed all the pictures from tin time forward when Ma passed ands am quite clue less to how to dived them well all but oh golly has me at wit's end

Penny I scanned all the family photos and put them on disk and gave them to each family so we would all have the photos to share with our children. I also gave each of my kids a disk. They all love them.

Ls I contacted the historical society in Canada and they sent me copies of land grants. We also did inter library loans on the census micro films.
A lot of the old churches have marriage and baptism records along with tax rolls.
Ireland has a historical society but most of their records were destroyed.
I have a cousin that made many trips to Ireland to search the marriage and baptisim records for the county Parrish records. She hit the jack pot in some areas others there were none.
Some of the old churches cemeteries are still there and you can request look ups on some of the genealogy boards like roots web.people that live close will go do look ups for you. I have had some success. Also for naturalization records you can search the local libraries where the people lived
I found mine from Kansas and Pa.
Ancestry also has most of those micro-films from each state. Probate records also give a bunch of info.
On on grand father will that was probated he stated which county he was from in Ireland and who his sister and brother nieces and nephews were.
Along with all his children and where they were living.
Family has a ton of records that you can search for free. Rootsweb had tons til ancestry bought them out and took off a lot of the free records that they charge for.
Naturalization records state where they came from. And the year the immigrated and usually they had family that immigrated with them
crazy with your spaghetti of pipes...scary about it starting a fire. Our piped aren't too bad, but our electric is a quality wad of spaghetti. Our one house has three fuse boxes.

Best news ever! :yesss:

What? Three on one vine? Did only the one vine make it??

They do look good.
Three plants, only, out of the whole package of seeds, and only three fruit one from each plant. Maybe bad batch of seeds IDK? Got them from 'Jung seeds' , supposed to be a good company. Tried the small one and cooked a butternut also to compare, butternut was much sweeter but the sweetmeat was good, and it may have been slightly immature being it grew late and was small. They are supposed to get sweeter after storage so not trying another till Thanksgiving and then I'll save the last till maybe spring.
Most my garden did good this yr, but no watermelon, no pumpkins (usually have great pumpkins) tried pepitas hybrid pumpkins this yr, zero germination. Was looking forward to them cause they have naked (hulless) seeds. Jung guarantees their seeds so I'll get a credit next order. Pretty funny they had mentioned that they were not getting good germination with the mammoth red mangels 70%. Pretty sure I got pretty close to 100%
They're getting pretty fat now that the weather is getting cooler. 28* this morn.
Greys are just the best parrots. I have always had birds, since I moved out on my own in 1976. I had a breeding pair of Cockatiels and got up to 11 'tiels at one time! They can be prolific, and so hard to give up the chicks!
I've tried to get DW talked into one, she says too much $$. But look at the cost of a dog, food, and depending on breed die in 6-10,12 yrs. If we get a young Grey now it'll probably outlive us, and parrots can talk!
Couple reasons. I have bad insomnia, have no trouble falling asleep usually but staying asleep after more than a few hours... huge problem.
I had to be up at 3 anyway so it wasn't a big deal.
Another reason was I had Chipotle for dinner and my colon said I had to get up and deal with my choices.
And you still ate it!

I am the same way with walnuts. I will eat them until I feel a bit of a cough....right up to the edge....

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