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It is cool here today--High of 88 and currently 84. We go up on Saturday to hot though, 106
Yeah its about that here as well. In the garage it will be 91 you drive out in full sun and the temp will go down.

106 down here is mizerable. Up at home you can breathe... only a few percentage points difference in humidity makes a HUGE difference in comfort level.

did you know the expression "Mind your Ps and Qs" Stands for Pints and Quarts... pubs used to be on the honor systme for paymen

So not related to canning eh? ;)

Very interesting actually. I'm not sure I would trust someone to be honest when they are drinking multiple quarts. They might be VERY honest people but snockered and not able to remember.
The high here today was 95. Thankfully the humidity was something like 48% so that made it a bit better. But only a bit mind you.

Finally got out and took some pictures of our wood project.

This is the red oak we have been hauling up from the north boundary of our property. As close as we can tell, the tree went down over the winter sometime, a victim of the ravine that separates our neighbors property from ours flooding in heavy fall rain.


This is what we have split so far. The stacked wood at the left are keeper logs. We pop one of them in the fireplace and then fill it with small rounds and it will keep the house warm all night with coals left over to start the morning fire with. It is 100% white oak, red oak, smooth bark hickory and shag bark hickory.


Here it is showing our wood splitter. Our goal is to to bring it past the two post to a third post that is just out of the frame. The posts are osage orange. The Amish are big users of them around here when they build and claim they will last longer than 50 years.

You can barely see the outline of the chicken coop in the background in the glaring hot sun.
We hit 93 today and 96% humidity :sick
Had my first ever loss in the coop night before. Was a late night last night, around 11:30 it dragged the havahart through the bushes and pulled all the bait through the holes. Decided to try again and see how stupid it was. Put a big rock on it and blocked the sides with heavy boards, 12:30am success.
This is the red oak we have been hauling up from the north boundary of our property.
Better you than me!! Actually I think the huge maple I cut up (and yielded about 1/2 cord) was about that size but I didn't have to move it given it was dropped in front of the barn out of a tree service's truck. I bet you have an easier time splitting yours though, you have the "professional" size splitter. This is the 10 ton electric DR I'm using. I don't think they make it any more.

So how do you know when you have 9 cords since you don't stack? Just years of practice filling the proper amount of the barn?
We hit 93 today and 96% humidity :sick
Had my first ever loss in the coop night before. Was a late night last night, around 11:30 it dragged the havahart through the bushes and pulled all the bait through the holes. Decided to try again and see how stupid it was. Put a big rock on it and blocked the sides with heavy boards, 12:30am success.
The only thing to like about that post is that you caught the little bast....
I guess the one I caught last year was even more stupid than yours, it went into the trap to eat the chicken feed I had baited it with to catch woodchucks. I was a bit surprised to see a snarling coon in the trap in the morning instead of a nervous chuck.

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