The Old Folks Home

It is amazing how much time and gravity cause those headstones to sink. And you did an amazing job on the restorations, those stones should be good for many years to come.
I imagine it is sinking and up fill from the grass.
DH asked how many cords are split there? We used to stack our wood then read where it cures just as fast in a pile which is the way the local Amish do their wood also.
"there" meaning that one row? A cord. About 23 feet long and a bit over 4' high. Stupid effing rocks. Can't pound a post anywhere here without hitting them.

I've seen wood stacked in a circular mound with a smallish center hole. Apparently a natural convection happens which draws air through and helps dry the wood. A pile would be OK if we didn't have snow! Having, in the past, not always gotten all the delivered wood into the little barn and having some covered with a tarp, I can tell you that scrounging wood from a pile under a snow and ice topped tarp isn't a lot of fun :p I'm hoping to fashion a roof of sorts from the metal roof that was taken off the half of the house that was rebuilt. And I can lean some pieces against the side to keep the snow from filling in. I hope.

I NEED your Mahindra 35, send it over!!! :D Can't pull much out of the woods with a 24 HP garden tractor. I do have a winch on it (for lifting the blower) but the tree I would be trying to get out of the woods would pull the GT to it instead of the other way around.

My ideal situation would be "cages" to hold the wood, a real tractor, a flatbed trailer and a 3 PT splitter. Pull the wood out, cut into rounds, split and put in the "cages", when full place them on the trailer with pallet forks. Offload the cages in the "drying area" which would be a "gappy" 3 sided wood shelter. Need wood at the house? Pick up a "cage" with the tractor and set it on the front porch landing. There are 2 entrances to the porch, the north one is a gradual rock and stone "path" closer to the parking area, the other is about the center of the porch and has stairs. We pretty much never use the one with stairs other than to bring wood onto the porch. But for now I'm cutting it to 16" in the woods, carrying it out to the small poly dump cart and bringing it to the stacking area where I split and stack. 1 cartload (meaning to the top of the 'make them yourself' wood sides) is about 3-4 days of burning.
How old is teddy then nice looking even grey
About 7 or 8. The "grey" is all the dirt from his frequent dust baths. As you can see, his face is black!

Love the alpaca with your dog Bruce.
Got no dog :( The brown and white "thing" in the background is another alpaca. His name is Laddie. I didn't name them, they were given to me in Oct 2016 by neighbors that moved to Florida a year ago.
Good morning everyone hope y'all have a nice day,stay hydrated:frow

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