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I think it makes me look old, but the old ladies at my local pub like it.. :p;):cool::love
Given the 2 pictures, I would agree you look younger without the beard. My brother-in-law showed up at a family gathering sporting a well filled out, pretty grey, beard (said the dog ate the electric razor). He looked a LOT like my 84 Y/O uncle though BIL is only 54.
He lost a lot of that "age" when we next saw him, clean shaven.

We have been married since 1982
So you are saying the secret to a long marriage is a good sourdough starter??

I'd most likely want to take a few friends along for the ride. ;) Know anyone who might want to tag along? :cool: I'm sure I'll have lots of friends if I win...
You aren I are BFF's right?? :D

The starter stays in the fridge and goes dormant. You wake it up to use it by setting it on the counter and adding half a cup of flour.

Starter does fine fed or used once every two weeks. It is also easy to dry starter or freeze some.
What are the odds it would work with a gluten free flour mix?

You are old if you remember
I remember ALL of those things Deb.
And I still have the orange pitcher.

9. Test patterns on TV when the station shut down for the night.

ours goes off every Wednesday at noon (or is it 1 ? ) for tsunamis.
Wow, you have a LOT of tsunamis!! And so regular too :lol:
One, "only" 3 more to go though I think I have at least 1/2 cord left from last year.

Need to make time to shear the boys. I know you won't believe me but really, Teddy IS a black alpaca

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