The Old Folks Home

Well we got the last of the big red oak dragged up the hill this morning along with two other lengths of trunk. DH was able to sever the last big length (11 feet) from the remaining trunk on our neighbor's property just on the other side of the fence. It pulled a lot easier than I thought it would. We got one 6 foot length chained into rounds before the heat got to us. It was in the low 90s by noon. I started feeling dizzy in spite of taking a jug of water with us and we were both drenched with sweat but we wanted to at least get the lengths of trunk up to the top of the hill as they are calling for thunderstorms here starting on Tuesday.

I got the fence pulled back up. Luckily, no major damage there. Just a bent T post. Tomorrow I'll rewire the barbed wire and we will try to get the majority of the big rounds to the barn for splitting.

We probably have 3-4 more cords to go also, @bruceha2000. Impressively stacked wood pile. DH asked how many cords are split there? We used to stack our wood then read where it cures just as fast in a pile which is the way the local Amish do their wood also. Some stack it but when they first split it, it's in a pile.
The starter stays in the fridge and goes dormant. You wake it up to use it by setting it on the counter and adding half a cup of flour.

Starter does fine fed or used once every two weeks. It is also easy to dry starter or freeze some.
This sounds like friendship bread (Amish) you make a starter 10 days ,my friend & I use to love it we came up with different ingredients each time puddings,chocolate chips,raisins, each one was different so many variables:)
Sweet dreams everyone:love
Sounds good Micro Son and I spent the morning painting on the Silky coop look almost done and much better it was three shipping crates all together making one large and one small rooms they are separated by a dutch door of out making top half is hardware cloth
in a frame lower is plywood all four silky broody on 12 bc marans eggs
Given the 2 pictures, I would agree you look younger without the beard. My brother-in-law showed up at a family gathering sporting a well filled out, pretty grey, beard (said the dog ate the electric razor). He looked a LOT like my 84 Y/O uncle though BIL is only 54.
He lost a lot of that "age" when we next saw him, clean shaven.

I'll shave in the next day or two and report back, lol.. I can always grow it back, lol

So you are saying the secret to a long marriage is a good sourdough starter??

@chrisb01, my husband had a full groomed beard when we met. His hair was cut short. He had greyed out early and the look was very attractive, especially for a doctor. I loved it and found it very sexy.

I've always loved the look of a full beard on a guy but gotta agree that a long bushy beard adds years to your (men in general) age.

Maybe shorten the beard?

DH always grows his out between trips to the dermatologist and shaves the day he has an appointment.

It changes his appearance tremendously.

Agenda for the day, trip to the vets for shots for two dogs along with check ups, stop for new chain for the chain saw and then back to the timber again.

Hope y'all had a good night and have a good anyone can have a good Monday, it's Monday fergawdsake.

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