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57 degrees here with wind gusts to 41 + MPH.

Tis a tad windy...

woke up feeling........ drum roll....... FABULOUS.....:wee
That is great Deb!

Things like that. And I'd love to be able to do it anonymously. That's the best feeling.
That is why you need to pay the lawyer, anonymity. Not sure how you vet those "deserving" people though. Are they in dire straights due to their own action/inaction or something they had no control over? For some I'm sure it is easy to tell, no one's kid gets cancer due to their actions.

I know this because Ripley stalked the scent at top speed, pulling me along the whole way, until we found said receiver.
Must be hard taking Ripley for a walk when there have been a lot of other dogs on the trail. Won't know which direction to drag you!
Good morning :oldfolks.

And have to worry about finding employees willing to work ? I think not. I managed to retire early, and the best part of that was no longer having to find people who would actually WORK for a living.
Right! Running a business is work. I agree with LS, just figuring out who to give that much money to would be a 25 hour a day job.
Trust me, having employees isn't all that and a bag of chips. We had one steal 50,000 dollars from us.

With employees you have to have eyes in the back of your head and watch over the operation. No body cares about the business making money except the owner.

Yep... when we lived in Roswell after dads work on the Missile silos ended he started up a machine shop. He had back orders for more than a years worth of work. Making those big Wheels for carrying irrigation in the fields. (they had just come out)

Book keeper pocketed all the withhoding tax and skipped town. We lost the business and house and the more expensive car... We got out with our furniture and the clothes on our back.

What ever kind of business you have make it a LLC separating home and business ... this means collecting a pay check...

Oh no, hope you feel better soon Penny! What do you think is causing that?

say it once to all seem alright this morning one cup of coffee a banana staying down
did cat boxes

So sorry to hear Penny... Being a doc, I guess you already know what to do to keep ralph at bay... Hope you pass whatever caused it through and are back feeling better by morning.

Ralph took a break if not probably would have gone to Morton hospital for fluids but thank you :oops:

sorry to hear that Penny :hugs

geeze thanks :frow
Yeah Perchie, I feel your pain. Not only the monetary loss but dealing with the forensic investigators and accountants and CPAs along with the DA's office and State Police. Every time they started working on our case somebody would get themselves killed and our case would get bumped down the list. A year before they even officially arrested the 'perp'. It took three years before the party finally pleaded guilty and got a slap on the wrist for their felony charges. In the mean time the person worked for a bank and tax prepare business along with several other jobs where money was involved.

We get anywhere from 25 to 100 dollars a month in restitution. We had 1000 dollars plus a month skimmed in cash that never made it to the bank. They tell us we are lucky to get repaid.....we don't feel so lucky.

Didn't ruin us. Didn't help us but we recovered. I tell doctors now to have their wives come into the office randomly and sit around the front office, mingle with the employees as they work. If they act nervous or resent her being there that is a red alert alarm that something fishy could be going on that they need to keep an eye on.

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