The Partridge Wyandotte Thread

Scott H

7 Years
Oct 29, 2012
Twin Lakes, ID
My Coop
My Coop
I searched and didn't come up with a thread for this color of Wyandotte. Can this be true? Maybe there aren't enough BYCer's with Partridge Wyandottes to keep a thread going? Discuss them here but most of all post up some pictures!

Tina was not a happy camper when she found out her running mates had their own threads and she didn't.....

Her running mates......

I searched and didn't come up with a thread for this color of Wyandotte. Can this be true? Maybe there aren't enough BYCer's with Partridge Wyandottes to keep a thread going? Discuss them here but most of all post up some pictures!

Tina was not a happy camper when she found out her running mates had their own threads and she didn't.....

Her running mates......

Hi Scott, I saw pics of your Wyandottes on the other Wyandotte threads, they are all so beautiful and nicely-shaped. From what I've read, it seems the Partridge are esp. hard to find, do you mind if I ask who you obtained yours from?

I'm a newb here, planning a flock for next spring and want to concentrate on Wyandottes, esp. SLW and Partridge. Good for my climate in upstate NY. Wish I had my own now so I could add some pics to this thread for you, but someday...

Have they started laying for you yet? I'd be interested if you notice any differences between your SLW and Tina in things like egg size, production, body shape, vigor, or temperament as they get older.

Happy 4th!
Tina is coming along beautifully. Her color will darken her penciling become more refined as she gets older as well as she will fill out and her type get more pronounced. Her parents are below.

This is the dad
Tina has gone broody.....been over a month now. I kick her outa the nesting box whenever I walk by but she is stuborn about it. She had been a good little layer but since she started sitting her comb and wattles have revereted from bright red back to pink. Definatly hormonal. Hope she comes out of it soon.....if not she's going to need her own nesting box.

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