The Pita Pinta Asturiana

We processed our extra Pita Pinta cockerels last Friday. Making the decision on who got to live was so hard. My favorite boy with the best body conformation had some brassy hackle and saddle feathers. He was so calm and the head cockerel in the grow out yard. I have to admit that I cried after handing him to my husband who does the killing for me. We processed 7 boys that were around 25 weeks and one older hen. They all weighed from 3.5 to almost 4 lb after processing. The yard is so much quieter now and the pullets are much happier!!!
We processed our extra Pita Pinta cockerels last Friday. Making the decision on who got to live was so hard. My favorite boy with the best body conformation had some brassy hackle and saddle feathers. He was so calm and the head cockerel in the grow out yard. I have to admit that I cried after handing him to my husband who does the killing for me. We processed 7 boys that were around 25 weeks and one older hen. They all weighed from 3.5 to almost 4 lb after processing. The yard is so much quieter now and the pullets are much happier!!!
It is sad but so much nicer after the processing is finished!
So here’s an attempt to get pictures of legs.
They are starting to get the spots on the leg!

Nice looking cockeres too. I did see one pullet in the pictures
Yes that’s one of two pullets. Five cockerels. Obviously not the choice number but I’m liking it. I couldn’t get the other pullet in the picture. One cockerel is quite a bit smaller but I’m pretty sure it’s a rooster as well.

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