The Price of Chicken Feed

We just keep on watering this area near our garden, so the greens stay green. We also never pull out the dandelion weeds, just pull off the leaves, and they come back over and over, well, like weeds. The ducks especially love the dandelions.

The best stuff is the trimmings from the garden. We could eat it, but we choose to give it to the poultry. They love the carrot, strawberry, beet, and radish tops. Everytime we pull a head of lettuce out, at least a few leaves go to the birds. So far, every little bit has helped stretch the dollar even more.

What do you know. Its now avg. $12.75 per 50lb. now. Some you can get lucky at $12.25 or some its $13.00.


Gas Up, Living Expenses Up, But Work Is D...O...W...N!!!

I buy my feed by the ton now. Bag feed is just too dang expensive to keep a flock of my size fed.

When I break it down, bulk feed is a little under $6.50 for 50lbs. of 16% layer.

With corn prices dropping, you really need to go to feed mills instead of fleet/farm type stores. Feed mills adjust the price according to the grain market. FF store prices only go up

btw: gas is going down around here. I filled up for ...$2.36 gal.

edit: oh ya, they will bag the feed too but I was having too many mouse problems with all the bags sitting around. Now they have to chew through a steel bin to get to my feed
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Wow! This is an old thread- March 2008! I imagine the prices listed are totally different after 19 or so months.
True, but it's always an on going conversation. And there is about 6 bucks difference between what me and TommyVT are paying TODAY. Alot of people don't know all their options or are mis-led by the media. Corn is at the lowest price in a couple years, feed costs should be down too in my opionion.
It is an old thread but I think that feed prices still hit everyone in the pocket.

Magdeleine, I am in SE Ohio and I am paying about $10 per 50lb bag of scratch and $7 per 50lb bag of layer mash. I was buying Kent layer pellets which was anywhere from $13-17 depending where I bought it. I started getting the layer mash that my local mill and am saving a lot. I didn't even know that I had the option for the first year I had chickens. Newbie mistake. It's really kinda nice because I can add a little scratch for a treat or some soybean meal to up their protein and I don't have to worry about if it is medicated.

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