The REPORT button

Not to worry..troublemakers always show their true colors eventually.

P.S. - love the "nifty pet" LMBO

Yep you did lol Never noticed a need for it. Must of been a stealth attack.

Edited to ask..Is a Nifty pet on the same line as a Gia pet? Just add water? Wish I had a hose to squirt nifty pet down.
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Whew! I sure am glad that the only time I have been reported... that I know of..... has been when I reported myself because of a very embarrassing moment when I double posted and was advised by an ex-mod that the report button was the easiest/fastest way to get a mods attention. I am even more proud of the fact that though I have seen posts I didn't agree with, post I thought were not appropriate and otherwise hateful flare-ups, I can say I have not reported anyone here, YET I think we have a responsibility as Pseudo- mods all to behave OURSELVES and not tie up the already busy mods time by over reacting and abusing the report button. Flare-ups will happen in a forum of this size but MOST of us are adult enough to ignore and move on.... remove our own chips off our shoulders, say whatever, and get back to the business at hand... enjoying our birds and ourselves.I have seen more rude behavior from the "ADULTS" then from our ADULT-ACTING kids on here. BYC KIDS ROCK!!!
I vote to just
and let everyone deal with their own issues as I trust our wonderful mods to be on top of things as they usually are. I definately stay out of flare ups unless it is about me. which so far I THINK my nose is clean!

ETA: I never would have thought of the REPORT option as it is black on my screen and I would never have thought it was an active button (I agree with the color change idea!) either but after using it to report my stooopidity I know it was as my double post was quickly and quietly removed (probably with lots of under the breath comments about what a maroon I was and lots of giggling and head shaking). But it was taken care if rapidly and most everyone was none the wiser. I really really do appreciate not having a PM from a mod that read "DOH!" however... yes, I really anticipated/deserved one!

edited second time for fix spelling
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Report comes in handy most times when a thread is in the wrong section and needs to be moved to get attention it deserves. Much like many emergency type threads that end up in social sections. Or what type of chick questions that are not posted in the breeds section.

There are reports daily, but considering a membership of 14,000 and the number of new posts everyday the # of serious problems are very few on this forum.

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