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Thanks. And, I am into anything really. But, I am making a Pirate role-play I think. I hope some people might join. :3

well here is something you need to think about *i finally got back into RP after a break, and finding one that had what i wanted*

1.have understandable plot! or, really, have a plot at least. I have seen quite a few Rps that could be so much more, but they didnt really

2.if basing it off a Tv show, IE Avatar the last airbender, DON'T break the mythos on the bender -_- or something like that, if you want the fan to join, don't break their fandom, it never ends well.

3. Make sure that Rper can "god RP", if that happens, you can lose RPers IE:

it annoying.

and that all i got in the top of my head, that i have notice with a lot of Rps by late

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