~ The Roleplay Chat Thread ~ More updates, check pg 1!

Time for me to fill in the many blanks in SilverLion's story...
Hidden at the bottom of a tall, steep mountain, sheltered by pine and oak trees of enormous proportions, and surrounded by dense foliage lived a large and powerful clan. The clan was bustling with colorful diversity, with birds from many different places and backgrounds. The naturally well-fortified border kept most predators at bay. There was a narrow stream that ran through, supplying them with fresh water and supplying them with a soft, gurgling white noise that was soothing to the soul. Each of the members were honest, loyal, and kind, making it a welcoming place for newcomers.

Each morning, members would go out and tend to growing vines that they would tie around the young trees and bushes. Improving the camp was not work to them, but a priviledge. They took pride in the ownership of this beautiful oasis. With the years of their hard work, they had a carefully woven fence surrounding the camp. The trees now towered over them, giving them further shelter. The massive Oaks' branches kept out rain, warriors fiercely guarded the borders, ensuring the safety of the clan's many inhabitants.

I'll be back later to finish this.

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