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I can always sell some eggs or ship you a roo
I can always sell some eggs or ship you a roo

Eggs might not be bad.... If I can get her to go broody.... *Plans*


Found this pic in my notebookÉ, not sure when I drew it. Did anyone request a dubbed rooster with a chipmunk patterned chick?
I found Tyson and the swan and Starry, I will be finishing them. Yep... They kinda got lost and *Insert several other witty excuses here*.

The color in the pic is all messed up, I tried to fix it using my computers paint because the lighting was so horrible.... Now it's yellow...
And seeing no one did, I shall dub him Ashrain and some odd fuzzy that happened to waddle in!
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Got 3 more under a broody outside and a crushed egg in the incubator..not sure if that one will make it.

awe, I have Blue Laced Red Wyandottes, Lavender Orpingtons, Lavender D'uccles, Lavender Ameraucaunas, Black Pennies, Black Jersey Giants, White Cochin bantams and Silver Spangled Hamburg eggs in my bators

Okay, I'm really, really sorry if this offends anyone. Just understand that this whole thing has been on my mind for longer than you know, and I need to get it off of my chest.

These arguments are getting out of hand. They happen way too frequently, get everybody very worked up, and are often just nonsenical bickering over little things. "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." That, there, is a wise old proverb of an origin I don't currently recall, but it is one I would like everyone to follow. WingClan is supposed to be fun, entertaining, and an enjoyable experience. Not only is this chaos ruining the WingClan experience, but all of this certainly isn't a good way to attract new members, either. When someone has an opinion, it's okay! If you disagree, that's okay, too! No need to get worked up. A forum is about openly expressing opinions, right? Say your piece and don't be a right-fighter; it won't get you very far in life.

Another point; If you did something wrong during roleplaying, or even if someone else thinks that you did and you don't, be mature and acknowledge your 'mistake' and try again.

Lastly, If you have drama that began on another, seperate thread, I want to kindly ask you to keep it there. Don't bring the drama onto Wc. This is Games, Jokes, and Fun. It's not Drama, Fighting, and Arguments. I understand that people need to have a place to rant, argue something important to them, to cry on someone's shoulder, and to ask for positive thoughts or condolences. That's perfecly fine and normal. If you can't find an appropriate place to post your rant, stressors, or to step onto your soapbox, either say nothing at all (Which I wouldn't recommend, because getting things off of your chest is healthier) or just at least keep it off of Wc.

Thanks so much for listening.

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