The Sizzle Thread!

Hmmmmmmm idk then....
Well I just got them a few weeks ago so she hasn't been on it that long. I am also gonna get some shampoo that strengthens "fur" to see if it helps.

Freshly fluffed!

Ok, where can I get myself a sizzle or a frizzle??
I live in Connecticut. I'd really, really love to have one. Preferably show quality, but even if I just had one for a pet, that'd be great.
Ok, where can I get myself a sizzle or a frizzle??
I live in Connecticut. I'd really, really love to have one. Preferably show quality, but even if I just had one for a pet, that'd be great.
Well... My friend has some frizzles. That is where I got Chanel. So... if she has some for sale around the next boston event I can bring one down for you?

when is that swap?
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Hello Sizzle folks! I wanted to share this foot with you :) This foot belongs to one of my cute little Sizzle chicks. I wanted to hatch some eggs and my frizzle Cochin hen was the only hen laying due to a really awful bout of super contagious broodiness. I only have a Silkie rooster, and this was one of 4 chicks that resulted. What really surprised me was every chick has been identical. Black down, these amazing feet, black skin, beards, ect. I was expecting to get some with light skin and pigment holes, but Nope. They look just like a baby Silkie. Except for the barbed, frizzled feathers they're growing! Every chick is also a frizzle (making me wonder if my Cochin is really a frazzle, her feathers are soft and she doesn't have frazzle-pattern baldness so I dunno). Anyway, unfortunately 2 of my Sizzle babies met an untimely demise due to a first time broody, but I still have the other 2 going strong. I plan to try the initial cross again (once my Cochin hen is done brooding) to see if I get the same results. And use one of the babies to breed back to a Silkie to keep my Sizzles going (I hope that's the proper coarse of action). Could I have just hit the genetic lottery? I wasn't expecting to have one chick with all of those desirable Silkie traits, so was quite surprised when all of them did! My Silkie rooster has fabulous type, but he's got horrible color (very smutty buff). The Cochin hens type is hatchery quality at best. She's nice and fluffy, but not round and wide like a Cochin hen should be. She's also lacking in the foot feathering department. Maybe my rooster was just a great match for her. I can't wait to hatch more of their eggs!

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