The Suedenator Is Aging...Suede & His Girls (pics)

I forgot to is only 17" tall but still plenty of room for the bantam crew. The mottled orp and the meg babies well they have little time in it. hahahaha
Dusty has been moved to the broody pen, without a comfy nest, without eggs, without a dark environment, with a little fan blowing on her. She is clucking her heart out and not thrilled. Should have seen DH pulling her out of the nest in her coop (which, naturally, is the fav of both Smoky and Meg) and saying, "Yes, baby, we know you can't help it".
He is so sweet to them, even if he did threaten to kill both my doofus roosters yesterday, LOL! I bet he'll give in and give her eggs to incubate, darn it.
You must be Suede inside so he can see his babies....It is neat that each one of them is so distinctly different


They are so gorgeous! Not one of them is exactly like the other. Hope there are a couple of young ladies in there. Lancelot would be very happy to have a daughter out of Meg and Suede, I bet.

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