The Supreme Court's Gun Ruling This Week - Not A Debate

Ahhh, but your reading the thread aren't you! That makes you intelligent enough to understand some things are worth knowing about and having an opinion on.

your a tricky person arnt you?
well this is time for my serious thought,
how did we go from a question on the S.C gun ruling to abortion and other unrelated things? I know the bill of rights like the back of my hand and we started off on the 2nd ammendment but somehow got to abortion and once again other unrelated things, im so confused can someone tell me whats going on as i am "withoutaclue". (as usual)
Aaannd they're off! SummersWindFarm on OffTopic passes IHaveWhatInMyYard, ChuckenGirl bringing up the rear on WithOutAClue, TerrieLacy gaining on the outside with TheBanHammer!



yes i'm withoutaclue!!!!!
i want to thank well, the people that taught me nothing!!
[pulls out list]

You'll outgrow it. You're still in that awkward phase girls go through from about twelve to forty.
Well, at lease girls outgrow the awkward age!

But then they hit menopause, and they're crazy all the time instead of just every 28 days.
Well, at lease girls outgrow the awkward age!

But then they hit menopause, and they're crazy all the time instead of just every 28 days.

chuck norris invented menopause...

U R my drives me nuts............altho I wouldn't trade her for a boy--her brother can frustrate me as well.

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