The Svart Hona (Swedish Black Hen) Thread!

again, a few months ago next to a Ohiki hen
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These are my Svarts from Greenfire Farms. They're almost 5 months old now. I ended up with 5 hens and 4 roosters, with an additional wooly hen and rooster. I have 2 roosters with mulberry combs and waddles, while the other two have solid black combs and waddles. I haven't decided whether or not to cull hard for mulberry roosters or not.
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So much for thinking I had 1 boy and 4 girls. At 12 weeks it's looking more like 3 boys and 2 girls. For some reason I had one boy (the one with silver leakage) that really matured faster than the others which made me think I only had 1. I was told they are a Ewe Crazy Roo crossed with GFF hens.

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Hey y'all! :frow Good looking birds on the last page. I didn't read the whole thread. :oops:

Does anyone know if there is a hona standard yet, or if it's close? I'm breeding for traits that I find pleasing (straight combs with no side sprigs, body type/tails like a leghorn) but it's hard deciding what to keep without something to guide me.

Anyone else getting white earlobes? I have two cocks with mulberry combs, one with mulberry earlobes and one with white. These are my second generation.
Hey y'all!
Good looking birds on the last page. I didn't read the whole thread.

Does anyone know if there is a hona standard yet, or if it's close? I'm breeding for traits that I find pleasing (straight combs with no side sprigs, body type/tails like a leghorn) but it's hard deciding what to keep without something to guide me.

Anyone else getting white earlobes? I have two cocks with mulberry combs, one with mulberry earlobes and one with white. These are my second generation.

Not many pics right now, these are from a couple months back. This is my breed pen, 9 birds. Some are from a breeder, and some are offspring from my original pair. There are 7 or so more in the layer coop that I need to move over. I had 30+ at the most and culled hard for red combs, eye color, silver/gold leakage. Some of my hens have a thumbprint in the comb that I'm not wild about. I have two cocks left with white earlobes, the original cock and one from the second breeder. This only appears in cocks so far. My two blackest cocks have side springs in their combs, so I don't want to keep them but maybe the sprig is easier to correct than the color?

With my original pair I was hatching about 30% chicks with markings or color. Curious to see what hatches now. I've hatched two pullets with red combs and gold eyes, all other color has been on cocks. My pullets are all about the same size, except for one tiny little thing. The cocks vary a bit.





They weren't sure what to think of the muscovies. :D
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TBH I am more breeder for stocker birds for meat. I may introduce silkies for personal enjoyment. My flock will probably not be "pure" Hona but I am focusing for the meat market ^^;
Hello we have a friend that has a svart egg in their incubator. Whenever it hatches I'm going to buy it. Do svart require any special care? Are they just like a normal chicken? Are they bantams? Does anyone have any tips?

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