The Svart Hona (Swedish Black Hen) Thread!

Random pic from yesterday
Mine are blacl all over its the standard ,looks like you have a black mutt

There is no standard for the Svarthöna. They are a landrace breed and therefore subject to quite a bit of variability.
I agree with kytinpusher. Land race breeds such as the svart hona generally do not have a standard as there is a lot of variability from each bird in size, feather color, comb color, even earlobe color. Yes, a lot of breeders are going for the blackest bird they can but others are allowing them to breed as more of a land race and just using what birds they like, even though they may not be all black.

We would love to see pictures of your svart hona
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Out of my 4 chicks, I ended up with 3 cockerels and 1 pullet. SIGH. Anyone want to trade for a cockerel?

Didn't think so. ***SIGH***
Actually, if you were closer, I just might. I could use some new blood and have an extra pullet ATM. How old are they and do you have pictures? You never know when someone closer to you might be in the same boat as me.
Actually, if you were closer, I just might. I could use some new blood and have an extra pullet ATM. How old are they and do you have pictures? You never know when someone closer to you might be in the same boat as me.
haha! Yes, well, that is the price I pay for living in the Middle of Nowhere, LOL! Hardly anyone is near me.

These chicks are about 9 weeks old. I've raised them in the entryway, and they come up and eat out of my hand. I posted pics earlier but if anyone wants to PM me I would be glad to take a pic for them. They came from Darby Ridge Chicks who told me the background was both Ewe Crazy and Greenfire Farms.

I can see from other posts that these are beautiful birds when they grow up and well worth keeping; I just feel sorry for one pullet among three cockerels. They might be pretty hard on her. My coop will be set up just for Svart Hona. They will have their own run. I don't really have a place to separate out the cockerels.
haha! Yes, well, that is the price I pay for living in the Middle of Nowhere, LOL! Hardly anyone is near me.

These chicks are about 9 weeks old. I've raised them in the entryway, and they come up and eat out of my hand. I posted pics earlier but if anyone wants to PM me I would be glad to take a pic for them. They came from Darby Ridge Chicks who told me the background was both Ewe Crazy and Greenfire Farms.

I can see from other posts that these are beautiful birds when they grow up and well worth keeping; I just feel sorry for one pullet among three cockerels. They might be pretty hard on her. My coop will be set up just for Svart Hona. They will have their own run. I don't really have a place to separate out the cockerels.
I would strongly suggest you either find a way to separate them or rehome at least 2 of the cockerels within the next month or two. Once your cockerels start getting their hormone surges and your pullet approaches POL, the boys will be extremely rough on her. They can even break her neck fighting over breeding her. The other option is to find some EE pullets to put in with them to even the odds. As long as the EE pullets lay green eggs, you will easily be able to tell your Svarthöna's eggs apart.

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