The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

So... I know a lot of people don't wash their eggs, but I have started, I'm on my third set of eggs incubating that have been, umm... baptized? Lol. Debbie292d wrote a great article about using Odoban to sanitize hatching eggs. She did a set of eggs, I've done 3 sets and I even sanitized 1 set then shipped them just to test it out. I haven't seen any pattern of negative impact from doing this. However, I sanitize EVERYTHING! I sanitize the eggs, the incubator, the turning baskets, anything and everything.

The little soak in the Odoban water loosens any crud (I haven't done crazy dirty eggs, but a little poop and dirt) and you can gently rub it with your finger to get it off, I do not scrub, then a quick warm water rinse and let them dry for a few minutes before setting them. This process still makes me nervous, but I've been having good hatches doing this and gives me a little confidence that I'm not bringing anything into my flock from the outside of thr shipped eggs. ALV is still a risk as are some others but...

I've read Debbie's wonderful article, but though it was mostly for disease prevention. I guess extra prevention doesn't hurt. Don't know if I can find Odoban here...On the topic of incubator sanitisation, any and all tips are welcome as well! This long weekend I'll be doing the 2nd (or 3rd) and final sanitisation!
I use plain dish soap, just a dab on a wet cloth or paper towel, and hot water from the sink to wash eggs before incubating. I wet them under the faucet, then gently wipe at the spots where dirt or poo is stuck to them until it comes off. Then rinse again and let air dry. No issues thus far in doing so. About half of the eggs I have incubating right now were washed like this and are developing fine. 🙂

I don't have hardly any experience with duck eggs, but the egg shown in the picture is more dirty than I'd bother with from my flock. My general rule with it is that if it's so dirty that the entire egg is covered like that or if it has staining on the shell after I wash it, I don't risk putting it in the incubator. But I understand that duck eggs get far dirtier and people incubate them just fine, so maybe that's just my own personal paranoia about cleanliness in the incubator. 🤔
Oh, ok they really can handle a lot then!

I use plain dish soap, just a dab on a wet cloth or paper towel, and hot water from the sink to wash eggs before incubating. I wet them under the faucet, then gently wipe at the spots where dirt or poo is stuck to them until it comes off. Then rinse again and let air dry. No issues thus far in doing so. About half of the eggs I have incubating right now were washed like this and are developing fine. 🙂

I don't have hardly any experience with duck eggs, but the egg shown in the picture is more dirty than I'd bother with from my flock. My general rule with it is that if it's so dirty that the entire egg is covered like that or if it has staining on the shell after I wash it, I don't risk putting it in the incubator. But I understand that duck eggs get far dirtier and people incubate them just fine, so maybe that's just my own personal paranoia about cleanliness in the incubator. 🤔

That's what I thought, but duck people must have a reason for not worrying?
Sorry that I’m hijacking the thread for a moment, Fluffy. 😁 I want to show you Evvie (Serama/Mille Fleur d’Uccle) with her new chicks. (Not hers) You may remember that during her time as POW in February, she made the transition to laying hen. 12 days after 1st egg, she went into full broody mode. I gave her 2 eggs. ❤️ She’s such a terrific little mama.


(Not the best poses, but those teeny ones are always on the move!)
Sorry that I’m hijacking the thread for a moment, Fluffy. 😁 I want to show you Evvie (Serama/Mille Fleur d’Uccle) with her new chicks. (Not hers) You may remember that during her time as POW in February, she made the transition to laying hen. 12 days after 1st egg, she went into full broody mode. I gave her 2 eggs. ❤️ She’s such a terrific little mama.
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View attachment 3776891
(Not the best poses, but those teeny ones are always on the move!)

Eek! So adorable! I remember this wonderful girl, looks like she's being an amazing mum! A young mum too! She's raising some cuties :love
That's what I thought, but duck people must have a reason for not worrying?

Based on my experience with ducks, I wonder if it's just because they're messy beasts and if you held out for clean eggs to incubate, you'd never have eggs to set at all. 🤭 Duck eggs also have more of a waxy-feeling exterior on their shells than chicken eggs, so maybe they're just more resistant to dirt and germs than chicken eggs because of that?

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