The Tummy tucking flab busters of BYC 2012

Wait..... when i go back to old threads, there are no longer PM or email options under the avatars like the old BYC. Now what? help my frizzled brain!
Holy Moly. Well after finally finding this thread (I know I'm a little slow!) I can post that my weight is....the same. Better than going up! I was afraid of that though! I work in a drive thru coffee shop now, and I was thinking that the drinks I drink in there may cause me to not drop the pounds like I think I should be! Do you think if I go "sugar free" it would help? I imagine coffee itself is good sine it speeds ya up, but the stuff put in it isn't so good?
Not sure about the coffee drinking... I do not drink it. I'm a Mountain Dew person. I'm guessing it is the cream and sugar that pack it with calories. Glad you joined us though!
Well, I did a NOT fun work out on the elliptical... 4o plus minutes on it, but got my 30 minutes, now up to 3.6 m.p.h.
Been feeling really heavy the last couple of days, but not getting on the scale to prove it.
If I can refrain from eating too much tonight, I think this long, hard workout will kick in some calorie burning!
I gained 2lbs -

- ugh DH baked buns and cookies and banana and chocolate loaf OMG - I have to taste everything!!!

Don;t worry I am being good resisted and am having a salad!!!!

The eliptical is calling


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