The weather alert radio alarm just went off


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
Another severe thunderstorm watch for us - third one today. Why am I not surprised???????

Guess it beats the tornado warnings.
*sigh* Those things are annoying! I lived in Virginia, and we had, like, 30 of them in the summer! And how many came true? 3. The rest were dark clouds. I swear, I must have aged a year from the stress! But yeah, that stinks.
hahahahha I love those warnings

Seriously, I live in a little wood-frame house that's been here for 60 years. Every room has an outside wall - even the closet. Every room has a window except the closet. There is no basement, no real inner room and no bathtub.

What's the point of sounding the alarm? Not much I can do about it.

So I stand on the porch and watch in true redneck style
Actually I love this thing. We bought it not too long ago. Not nearly as annoying as having to listen to a regular weather radio chatter away just to find out if there is a threat. This one only sets off an alarm if the threat is in the area you preset it for. It warned us about the two tornados a couple of weeks ago. 'Course I was outside at the time and heard those two anyways.

Tala, I know how you feel. My SO keeps telling me that if we should get a tornado warning while he's working, I should head to the storm shelter out back. Hello!!!! The door to that shelter hasn't even been opened in 10 years! I don't mind snakes and spiders and other creepy crawlers but I'm not about to lock myself in an underground shelter with them.
Me and Charlie dog will take our chances on the floor of the office closet thank you very much.

Got to get that storm shelter cleaned out one of these days.
The old man will be home in a little more than an hour. I'll hide under him. He's way taller, lightning will hit him first.
Hehehe, we like our "bubble"

So far 2 tornados have "jumped" over us
(edited to add :Since we moved here 4 years ago)
Possibly more weather in the morning...
If ya don't like the weather in Texas..Just wait..It will change

There goes the weather alarm again...
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