The Welsummer Thread!!!!

I was wondering what everyone thought about this rooster? He is supposed to be a Welsummer but I am not sure. I thought Welsummer roos had more red on their backs. Is he an acceptable roo for the breed? He is about 15 weeks old. Thanks for looking!

Looks like a Barnevelder or Barnevelder cross cockerel.
Does comb size indicate how close they are to laying? I hadn't heard this.
comb size and color can reflect the maturity of the hen. Typically hens need to be closed to maturity before they start laying, so the comb can give you an idea of when that will happen. I think more color than size - but both reflect the age of the bird
comb size and color can reflect the maturity of the hen. Typically hens need to be closed to maturity before they start laying, so the comb can give you an idea of when that will happen. I think more color than size - but both reflect the age of the bird

This makes sense, now let me ask this. My pullets are the same age, but some have bigger combs than others. Is this a sign that these hens will lay sooner, even though they are the same age?
Hello All! I have chicks that are just over 4 weeks now and two of them are Welsummers.

I have been watching the feathers on their chest to try and judge roo or pullet and I have a question: I know to look for the rust/salmon colored feathers on pullets, but what if they look to be the rust color at the ends and gray towards the body?

I suspect I have one of each. I can try to get a picture when I get home :)

Thank you!

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