The Welsummer Thread!!!!

She was trying to be crafty tonight and dodge being put up for the evening. Ran in between the privacy fence and the coop before she realized she couldn't go all the way through. Apparently chickens don't have reverse. She waited for me to scoot it out from the fence, pick her up, and get her out. I was surprised...assumed she'd lose her marbles and maybe hurt herself. shady little thing.

HaHa - chickens running in reverse? All depends -- I've had dumb ones and I've had smart ones that know how to turn around. I think they go into "freeze" mode -- maybe a predator reaction? -- and then they are easy to pick up and hold. It takes a while of interaction with some breeds before totally trusting we are not monsters to attack them! We've spent weeks training our hens with hand signals or the word "shoo shoo" softly while guiding them back to their coop. Sometimes just hearing "shoo" from me when they are interfering with my gardening they start heading towards the coop's direction. Also, the younger ones learn from what the older ones do.
@Bogtown Chick
 Gorgeous boy you have there!  Who's the lady in the back?  This pic is frameworthy  IMHO...

Thank you! Big boy is Junior. I feel the need to get these photos in before he's winter dubbed. Behind him is Daisy. She's an 8 pound buckeye hen. She's been giving him a run for his money at the feed bowl. But I think he's won her over as I see her following him a lot now. Roosting next to each other, etc. A fan girl like yours truly. :D
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My little 7 week old, Quinn, who I call Quinny, at the water bowl. She's the sweetest and most shy of my ten babies, but super friendly and cuddly, too. I love her

My little 7 week old, Quinn, who I call Quinny, at the water bowl. She's the sweetest and most shy of my ten babies, but super friendly and cuddly, too. I love her

Precious and she looks so cuddly! Mine (hachi) is fairly shy, too, but so beautiful. She's 3 months now. Their feathers are gorgeous!
Precious and she looks so cuddly! Mine (hachi) is fairly shy, too, but so beautiful. She's 3 months now. Their feathers are gorgeous!

Yes, they are. Quinn is starting to get those beautiful breast feathers that I love so much and they're coming in the perfect color that I prefer on wellies!! I'm so excited! I can't wait to see how she looks when she's grown! And I'm crossing my fingers for speckled eggs!!!

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