The Welsummer Thread!!!!

Oooo Lensters!!!!!!!!! Ooooo youwhooooooooo!
Last night when we were talking you made mention of some birds that you have from crossing the females you got from me to those boys you had.........*clears throat* uhhh-hmm......I think you should share some photos Mr.! I didn't pester you for chick photos when I told you I would on those eggs you got from me a couple months ago, so you dodged that one
, but, I think I'm going to pester you for photos of these.
No excuses
......get the camera ready......point, shoot, upload and submit.

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Luke13:34 :

I went to the New England Poultry Congress today and only saw ONE Welsummer! How sad. We have two Wellies we got from My Pet Chicken (don't laugh.. we are new to chickens and hubby wasn't ready to find out what a true SQ chicken would cost). I took lots of pics of the Wellie at the show to see how our girls might compare. My (8 yr old special needs) daughter just joined 4H and will be showing in the summer.

Welcome! Glad to hear that your daughter is in 4-H and wants to show Welsummers! Our kids are also planning to show the Welsummers we have at fair this summer as well- this was a breed we didn't see any of and after reading more about them deceided to add them, besides they are a great looking and lay nice brown eggs. Pictures are always fun to see.​
Pinkchick! when you are done with the incubator, ship it to me LOL! Oh my hubby won't like that LOL!

He'll never even notice it!!!!!!!

and if he does....we'll tell him it is a very important research tool and you are in charge of the research and development team. That'll should smooth things over!

As for Lensters, I am sure he is lurking somewhere in the cyber space LOL! I've got a couple of his roos in the WCNA website and if he wants to post updated pictures, that would be doable for the site.

Yep, we got some nice folks in here! And we do not want to be cliche or make you feel that there is a certain "click" among members. Some of us are very proud in what we have in our Welsummers but open to people that are interested.

So neat to see so many diversity in the club. It is a wonder BYC brings in more traffic of interested folks in here.
Yes.....he's lurking out there....last night he gave me a quick call and I know he was looking through the Wellie thread while we were talking.
He's been outed!

Neener- Neener Len!
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Yesterday I ordered 15 Amercuanas and 10 Welsummers from Whitmore farm.They should arrive in March. I am so excited.
I know that you can sex Welsummers chicks. What should I do with all the roosters since I don't want them??
Congratulations! I'm excited for you!

I grow several of them out each year to put in the freezer and the rest of the time I split them up and raise half of them for my nephew who pays for my time and feed to raise them for him, and he does his own butchering. While he is at it I sneak a couple of mine in that are also ready for butcher.

Then the rest of them I advertise for free or very cheap, there are folks out there that purchase excess cockerels to raise for meat. The less time and feed I have to put into excess cockerels the better with the price of feed and supplies, not to mention housing and caring for them, that takes up valuable pullet space and increases the work load.
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Sounds like you have a really good plan going here, it's always nice to see kids interested in something other than TV and video games

Glad to help with ideas, after working with foster dogs for 3 years now, I like to make things as cleanable as possible, everyone stays healthier that way.

I have been involed with youth for 20 plus years with larger animals projects(lambs , goats, calves).
On the start up prjects for juniors, we often ask them to write a paper outlining how they intend to care for the aniamls, types of housing or shelter they will be using, feed resourses , mentor ect. It is a lot of responsibility to rasie stock, and while we would donate animals to members to help them started, we would like to know that they have researched the project and are aware of the needs of the animals, and have a mentor in place to assist if need be. This has worked well and there are many of these type of projects in place all over the conutry, some sponsered by national organizations.American Hampshire sheep ass, American Polypay Sheep ass. are are cuople that come to mind. It may be in an essay "type" format, but can show how that some of the entrants will have given a lot of thought to the project, and some will not have given much. Just an Idea.

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