The Welsummer Thread!!!!

All of them are nice! And most of them are giving me the stink eye!
All of them have good colors. I like the roo, Coop or Cooper, he got lovely colors and upright attitude about him. The other one was a bit too light.

The girls look on the lanky side so I figured once they start maturing more, laying daily, they will "blossom" into wonderful Welsummers we all love! Sure got lovely yellow legs on them!
Thanks! The second boy was standing under the lights- he wasn't really interested in being cooperative with us-so that might be why he looks so light compared to the other guy. I'll have to try and get another picture of him.
Thats why I took them out of my breeding group. I supect that the breeder may have mixed them with some empordensa, as they had them as well. I did not get any coranation combs out of them, but will not use them in my breeding.
I have 2 other lines that I will be working with.
Is he a bantam? He looks short in the pics. Also, pure welsummers are supposed to have yellow legs and I don't see any yellow legs on your male or your females. Your one hen almost has a wheaten look to her.
Is he a bantam? He looks short in the pics. Also, pure welsummers are supposed to have yellow legs and I don't see any yellow legs on your male or your females. Your one hen almost has a wheaten look to her.

No .He was trying to hide. He is not quite as large as my other roos,. It was about 10 degree's in the coop when I took that pic. They did have very yellow legs, are a bit lighter now, But were a nice bright yellow in the summer. They have not been outside for about 7 weeks now. I open the door, but they look at the 2 feet of snow, and hop back on the roost
Her is a pic of a blue copper roo. But the 2 whites in the pen are a result of this mating.You can also so another wellie roo kinda. The shank color on the white and the wellie roo are my shank color. Pretty yellow. These are born Mid september
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There you go Nate!

The far left is the black Orp banty egg.

The middle bantam eggs are the Welsummer banty eggs......not sure who is who is laying yet. But one thing I do know, if it was my Germans, it is a shade darker than the eggs they hatched out of.

The far right, pullet egg, gotta come from Nate's girl...not sure which one is laying.

Been so busy this morning! I am tired now!

Cleaned out nest boxes, put in fresh shavings and coop getting some fresh shavings for the girls to wallow in-check!
Pour more feed into container! Check!
Top off feeders and water bowls-check!
Gather eggs and remember to take them out of my pockets! Check!
Took dd to school--check!
Went by bread store--check!
Went by Dollar Store--check!
Went to grocery store--check!
Got gas--check!
Three loads of laundry done--check!
Folded two laundry baskets full of clothes--check!
Threw in another load--check!
Checked emails--check!
Washed dishes---check!

Now, I'm tired and deserved a break...on here!
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Hi All - I've been gone for a bit - it's been quite busy here on the farm. I've just recently separated my Welsummers and will be taking an order list for hatching eggs or day-old chicks soon. My flock is from Whitmore Farms and I have kept the lines pure. You can see more pics by clicking on the link in my signature. My BYC PM box is currently full so you may have to write me via my farm or my farm e-mail account: [email protected]



Hi all.
I just have one pair of Wellies, (the other two hens died last year as pullets... not sure why, but spread apart by 5 months. sad)
can you tell me anything about my roo?
I'm thinking of getting a few more eggs to hatch... wellies...
(I also have marans)
anyone near me (east bay SF CA) have fertile eggs?

and here is my roo, and his hen is behind him... but it's blurry of her...


Thanks in advance!
I like him, but that isn't much help... if he's not helping make good babies... :)

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