The Welsummer Thread!!!!

I finally figured out that the 11 extra cockerels with my chick order were Welsummers...I kept one. My other male is a Cochin. So can anyone please tell me what I WANT to hear (and it be the truth) that these roosters are not typically nasty creatures? I really really want him to be a good boy. Is there anything I can do to make him friendlier? He is 3 weeks old now. I have 15 pullets for the boys to hang out with.
Just thought I would let everyone know tomorrow is my lockdown day for the Wellies I got from Pink. I am really excited to see how things turn out.
WOW! Already?!?!?!
Lots and lots O' luck Les!
I'm very excited for you. I know how long you have been waiting to get these eggs and I appreciate your patience my friend. I hope you have an excellent hatch. Gosh....I'm still just stunned that it is lockdown already. I had it wrote down on my calendar too, just dawn on me.
Hi Rookie!

These roosters are not typically nasty creatures, fact they should be very non-aggressive birds, great protectors of their flocks and they should be great free rangers. Since these chicks are still so young you may be able to increase the amount of handling that you do with them and get them more used to you.
HI Hens!

You might want to get those new ties on them ASAP....pretty soon (by about the age of 3 weeks or so their boy/girl marking are giving way to new feathers) they are going to look very similar for a few weeks and you may have a hard time figuring them out.....but never fear by about 6-8 weeks of age you should be able to see the males by the dark breast coming in and the girls the salmon breast.

oh....combs, by about 6 weeks should also be a dead ringer.
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Hi Kelly!

Still holding out lots and lots and lots of major hope for those eggs!
Take care my will be one long week waiting to hear from you!

(slightly off topic..... we have our first 2 Barnevelder babies.

Hey Kim!

I candled this morning and 6 wellies and 1 barnevelder are still going strong! I still have 4 "iffy" ones in there, I wasn't confident enough to pull them out. (they are the wellies)

My fingers are crossed for a decent hatch. We don't usually lose power as we are on the main line, so it was a very odd occurence for us.

If you don't have the best of hatches and if you decide that you would like more Wellie eggs just let me know....I have a few more orders to fill and then I could send you more...if you want them let me know as soon as you can, the Wellies are going to be taking a break for quite sometime maybe til next spring. So catch me before they get turned loose with lots of different cockerels.

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