The Welsummer Thread!!!!

I have 8 Welsummer hens and 2 roos. My girls laid between 4 to 7 eggs a day throughout the winter as I put a heat lamp in the coup. Now, they have cut back to only 2 or 3 a day. I'm wondering if this is because I forced them to lay by tricking them with the light? Now that Spring is here, we have more daylight and I have less egg production. Maybe they need a rest?

I have 15 Wellie eggs in the incubator and just candled them tonight after 7 days. I am fairly certain I'll get at least 12 that will hatch. The hatch date is Mar.31/Apr.1. Will keep you posted on their progress. Not sure what I'll do with the peeps but, I LOVE hatching them!
I hope you have a fantastic hatch! I have 3 dozen in the bator doing good! 30ish are due to hatch on March 28-30 along with 3 dozen Ameraucana Eggs about 27 good eggs so far! I love chicks!

If your Wellies stopped laying try turning the light on by a timer around 3am to 8am to get them back in the rhythm! I don't have a light on my 11 wellies. Out of 11 hens and 1 Roo I get between 8-10 on average daily. I'm afraid to turn there light on and off... I think it will mess there egg production up!
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Here are some more pictures of my Welsummers! I love these birds! They are my absolute favorite breed by far! They are very tame and will eat out of my hand!

They really love there daily cup of greens! Usually cabbage and or Cucumbers.

My Roo showing off!

San, do you mean the finger in the photo???? Silly you, indeed!

it is a finger... gosh yesterday evening I really could not see that whas a finger, I really thought it was a swelling on the upper side of the leg.... even not when I resized the picture.

But my Roo never had this rednes for its's maturity. What a strange differente there could be between Europe birds an US birds then..
Hi Everyone!

Hope everyone is great! Thanks for all the pictures of all the lovely birds everyone! Good luck to all hatching and incubating right now!

Beesong~ Shesaredroan~ What's the word ladies? How's it going?

Steve~ Congratulations! How in the world you hatched out all pullets is beyond me, but way to go buddy! First time hatchers luck I am sure!

Great photos! Thanks for sharing them! Adorable!
Well if you have turned off the light in the coop, they may be thinking it is shorter days.

Good luck with the eggs!

I agree, and they could be going into a molt as well.

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